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Configure and Run Backup/Restore

All the configurations needed to run the backup or restore procedures are made through PulpBackup or PulpRestore CRs.

To get the list of fields available in each CR, check PulpBackupSpec and PulpRestoreSpec.


To configure the backup controller, create a manifest file with the definition of PulpBackup CR.
For example:

kind: PulpBackup
  name: pulpbackup-sample
  deployment_name: pulp
  deployment_type: pulp
  backup_storage_class: standard
  admin_password_secret: example-pulp-admin-password
  postgres_configuration_secret: pulp-postgres-configuration

In the above sample we defined:

  • the name of Pulp instance (deployment_name), which can be gathered with:

    $ kubectl get pulp
    NAME   AGE
    pulp   3m30s

  • the type of deployment (deployment_type), in this case pulp (but could also be galaxy depending on the installation).

  • the name of StorageClass used to provision the PVC to store the backup data (backup_storage_class).
  • the name of the Secret with Pulp admin password (admin_password_secret), which can be get by:

    $ kubectl get pulp pulp -ojsonpath='{.spec.admin_password_secret}{"\n"}'

  • the name of the Secret with PostgreSQL credentials and connection information (postgres_configuration_secret).

After finishing to configure the file, apply the configuration and the Operator will start the backup:

kubectl apply -f <backup_cr_file>.yaml


To configure the restore controller, create a manifest file with the definition of PulpRestore CR. For example:

kind: PulpRestore
  name: pulprestore-sample
  backup_name: pulpbackup-sample
  deployment_name: pulp

In the above sample we defined:

  • the name of PulpBackup instance (backup_name)
  • the name of Pulp instance (deployment_name). This should be the same defined in the PulpBackup CR.

After finishing to configure the file, apply the configuration and the Operator will start the restore:

kubectl apply -f <restore_cr_file>.yaml

By default, the restore procedure will reprovision the environment with a single replica of each component. This is to make it easier to review the restore status and the environment health.
It is also possible to restore with the same number of replicas running when the backup was made. To do so, just set the keep_replicas field to true, for example:

kind: PulpRestore
  name: pulprestore-sample
  backup_name: pulpbackup-sample
  deployment_name: pulp
  keep_replicas: true

After finishing to restore the environment, the operator will create a ConfigMap called restore-lock. It is used to prevent a new controller reconciliation loop to run and override any data changed/created with the "old" data from backup.
To allow the restore controller to run again, delete the restore-lock ConfigMap.