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Build Images


All container build APIs are in tech preview. Backwards compatibility when upgrading is not guaranteed.

Users can add new images to a container repository by uploading a Containerfile. The syntax for Containerfile is the same as for a Dockerfile.

To pass arbitrary files or artifacts to the image building context, the build_context property (a reference to a file repository) can be provided in the request payload. These files can be referenced in Containerfile by passing their relative-path:

ADD/COPY <file relative-path> <location in container>

It is possible to define the Containerfile in two ways:

Create a Container Repository

CONTAINER_REPO=$(pulp container repository create --name building | jq -r '.pulp_href')

Create a File Repository and populate it

FILE_REPO=$(pulp file repository create --name bar --autopublish | jq -r '.pulp_href')

echo 'Hello world!' > example.txt

pulp file content upload --relative-path foo/bar/example.txt \
--file ./example.txt --repository bar

Create a Containerfile

echo 'FROM centos:7

# Copy a file using COPY statement. Use the path specified in the '--relative-path' parameter.
COPY foo/bar/example.txt /inside-image.txt

# Print the content of the file when the container starts
CMD ["cat", "/inside-image.txt"]' >> Containerfile

Build from a Containerfile uploaded during build request

TASK_HREF=$(http --form POST ${BASE_ADDR}${CONTAINER_REPO}'build_image/' "containerfile@./Containerfile" \
build_context=${FILE_REPO}versions/1/ | jq -r '.task')

Upload the Containerfile to a File Repository and use it to build

Upload the Containerfile as a File Content

pulp file content upload --relative-path MyContainerfile --file ./Containerfile --repository bar

Build an OCI image from a Containerfile present in build_context

TASK_HREF=$(http --form POST ${BASE_ADDR}${CONTAINER_REPO}'build_image/' containerfile_name=MyContainerfile \
build_context=${FILE_REPO}versions/2/ | jq -r '.task')


File repositories synced with the on-demand policy will not automatically download the missing artifacts. Trying to build an image using a file that has not yet been downloaded will fail.