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Configure Pulp Cache

Pulp can cache the metadata instead of doing "slower" requests into the database (PostgreSQL). To do so, it uses Redis as the cache backend technology.

Pulp operator provides a single node Redis server for Pulp to use, but it is also possible to configure the operator to use an external Redis installation.

Configure Pulp operator to deploy a Redis instance

Pulp CR page has all the parameters that can be set to inform Pulp operator how it should deploy the Redis container.

If no cache parameter is defined, Pulp operator will deploy Redis with the following configuration:

  • a Deployment will be provisioned to handle Redis pod
  • a single Redis replica will be available (it is not possible to form a cluster with this container)
  • it will deploy a image

A Service will be created with the Redis pod as endpoint.

Here is an example of how to configure Pulp operator to deploy the Redis cache:

    enabled: true

Configure Pulp operator to use an external Redis installation

It is also possible to configure Pulp operator to point to a running Redis cluster. To do so, create a new Secret with the parameters to connect to the running Redis cluster:

$ kubectl -npulp create secret generic external-redis \  \
        --from-literal=REDIS_PORT=6379  \
        --from-literal=REDIS_PASSWORD=""  \

Make sure to define all the keys (REDIS_HOST, REDIS_PORT, REDIS_PASSWORD, REDIS_DB) even if Redis cluster has no authentication, like in the above example.

Now, configure Pulp operator CR to use the Secret:

    enabled: true
    external_cache_secret: external-redis