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Configure Pulp Database

Pulp operator provides a PostgreSQL database for Pulp to use, but it is also possible to configure the operator to use an external PostgreSQL installation. At this time, Pulp 3.0 will only work with PostgreSQL.

Configure Pulp operator to deploy a PostgreSQL instance

Pulp CR page has all the parameters that can be set to inform Pulp operator how it should deploy the PostgreSQL container.

If no database parameter is defined, Pulp operator will deploy PostgreSQL with the following configuration:

  • a StatefulSet will be provisioned to handle PostgreSQL pod
  • a single PostgreSQL replica will be available (it is not possible to form a cluster with this container)
  • it will deploy a image
  • no data will be persisted, the container will mount an emptyDir (all data will be lost in case of pod restart)

A new Secret (-postgres-configuration) will also be created with some information like:

  • the database name
  • the admin user
  • the admin password
  • the address to communicate with the database (this is a k8s svc address)
  • the service port

A Service will be created with the PostgreSQL pod as endpoint.

Here is an example of how to configure Pulp operator to deploy the database using a Storage Class called standard:

    postgres_storage_class: standard

Configure Pulp operator to use an external PostgreSQL installation

It is also possible to configure Pulp operator to point to a running PostgreSQL cluster. To do so, create a new Secret with the parameters to connect to the running PostgreSQL cluster:

$ kubectl -npulp create secret generic external-database \  \
        --from-literal=POSTGRES_PORT=5432  \
        --from-literal=POSTGRES_USERNAME=pulp-admin  \
        --from-literal=POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password  \
        --from-literal=POSTGRES_DB_NAME=pulp \

Make sure to define all of the above keys with your cluster configuration.

Now, configure Pulp operator CR to use the Secret:

    external_db_secret: external-database


The current version of Pulp backup operator does not support the backup of external databases. Only the backup of databases deployed by the operator was tested.

Encrypt sensitive fields

Pulp uses a url-safe base64-encoded string of 32 random bytes to encrypt sensitive fields in the database. It is stored as a Secret defined in .spec.db_fields_encryption_secret. If the db_fields_encryption_secret field is not defined during installation, Pulp Operator will create a default one:

$ kubectl get pulp -oyaml
  db_fields_encryption_secret: pulp-db-fields-encryption

$ kubectl get secret/pulp-db-fields-encryption -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
  database_fields.symmetric.key: RmRWL3...
kind: Secret
  name: pulp-db-fields-encryption
type: Opaque

The key can be generated independently but it must be a url-safe base64-encoded string of 32 random bytes. To generate a key with openssl:

openssl rand -base64 32

Rotate the fields encryption key

The process of updating the database fields encryption Secret is manual because it requires manipulating sensitive data that the operator could not (or should not) have access (for example, if the Secret is stored in an external vault).

The Secret can contain multiple such keys (one per line). The key in the first line will be used for encryption but all others will still be attempted to decrypt old tokens. This can help you to rotate this key in the following way:


Before proceeding, make sure to have a backup of Pulp database and the current fields encryption Secret.

  • Shut down all Pulp services (api, content and worker pods).

    $ PULP_CR=pulp
    $ kubectl patch pulp $PULP_CR --type merge -p '{"spec": { "api": {"replicas":0},"content":{"replicas":0},"worker":{"replicas":0}}}'

  • Add a new key at the top of the Secret key (modify the NEW_SECRET env var with your base64 encoded new encryption secret)

    $ DB_ENCR_SECRET=$(kubectl get pulp $PULP_CR -ojsonpath='{.spec.db_fields_encryption_secret}')
    $ OLD_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret $DB_ENCR_SECRET -ogo-template='{{index .data "database_fields.symmetric.key"}}')
    $ NEW_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
    $ MERGE_SECRETS=$(printf "%s\n%s\n" "$NEW_SECRET" "$OLD_SECRET"|base64 -w0)
    $ kubectl patch secret $DB_ENCR_SECRET --type merge -p "{\"data\": {\"database_fields.symmetric.key\": \"${MERGE_SECRETS}\"}}"

  • Create a job to run pulpcore-manager rotate-db-key.

    $ kubectl apply -f-<<EOF
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
      name: rotate-db-key
          restartPolicy: "Never"
          - name: pulpcore
            command: ["pulpcore-manager",  "rotate-db-key"]
            - mountPath: /etc/pulp/
              name: pulp-server
              readOnly: true
            - mountPath: /etc/pulp/keys/database_fields.symmetric.key
              name: pulp-db-fields-encryption
              readOnly: true
              subPath: database_fields.symmetric.key
          - name: pulp-server
              defaultMode: 420
              - key:
              secretName: pulp-server
          - name: pulp-db-fields-encryption
              defaultMode: 420
              - key: database_fields.symmetric.key
                path: database_fields.symmetric.key
              secretName: pulp-db-fields-encryption

  • Remove the old key (on the second line) from the Secret

    $ MERGE_SECRETS=$(printf "%s\n" "$NEW_SECRET"|base64 -w0)
    $ kubectl patch secret $DB_ENCR_SECRET --type merge -p "{\"data\": {\"database_fields.symmetric.key\": \"${MERGE_SECRETS}\"}}"

  • Start the Pulp services again (make sure to adjust the number of replicas with the desired amount of pods)

    $ kubectl patch pulp $PULP_CR --type merge -p '{"spec": { "api": {"replicas":1},"content":{"replicas":1},"worker":{"replicas":1}}}'