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Reset Pulp Admin Password

The password from Pulp admin user is managed by Pulp Operator. If a custom Secret is not provided during operator's installation, a random password will be provided.

To change the admin password, the first thing to do is to get the name of the admin_password_secret Secret:

$ kubectl get pulp <PULP CR NAME>  -ojsonpath='{.spec.admin_password_secret}'

## for example:
$ kubectl get pulp example-pulp  -ojsonpath='{.spec.admin_password_secret}'

Now, update the Secret with a new password:

$ kubectl apply -f-<<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: '<SECRET NAME>'
 password: '<NEW PASSWORD>'

## for example:
$ kubectl apply -f-<<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: 'example-pulp-admin-password'
 password: 'mysupersecretpassword'

The operator should notice the Secret change and create a new Job to update the password:

$ kubectl get jobs
NAME                              COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
reset-admin-password-3140016014   1/1           11s        100s

Checking the logs from reset-admin-password Job:

$ kubectl logs reset-admin-password-3140016014-k5d4b
Waiting on postgresql to start...     <------ waiting for DB connection before proceed
Checking postgres host
Checking postgres port 5432
Postgres started!
Checking for database migrations   <------ waiting for any running migration
Database migrated!
pulp admin can be initialized.
Successfully set password for "admin" user.   <------- password updated!


We don't recommend running the pulpcore-manager reset-admin-password command nor updating the password via /api/v3/users endpoint.
Any modification in admin_password_secret Secret will override Pulp admin password.