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Pulp Operator storage configuration

Before installing Pulp, it is necessary to configure how Pulp should persist the data.

Pulp uses django-storages to support multiple types of storage backends. The current version of pulp-operator supports the following types of storage installation:


Only one storage type should be provided, trying to configure Pulp CR with multiple storage types will fail operator execution.

Configure Pulp Operator storage to use a Storage Class

Pulp operator has the following parameters to configure the components with a Storage Class:

  • FileStorageClass - defines the name of the Storage Class that will be used by Pulp core pods
  • Database.PostgresStorageClass - defines the name of the Storage Class that will be used by Database pods
  • Cache.RedisStorageClass - defines the name of the Storage Class that will be used by Cache pods

When Pulp operator is configured with the above parameters it will automatically provision new Persistent Volume Claims with the Storage Class provided.

To verify if there is a Storage Class available:

$ kubectl get sc

If the Kubernetes cluster has no Storage Class configured, it is possible to configure Pulp with other parameters of storage or follow the steps to create a new Storage Class.


If the Storage Class defined will provision RWO volumes, it is recommended to also set the Deployment strategy in Pulp CR as Recreate to avoid the Multi-Attach volume error.

Here is an example to deploy Pulp in a persistent way providing different StorageClasses for each component:

  file_storage_storage_class: my-sc-for-pulpcore
  file_storage_size: "10Gi"
  file_storage_access_mode: "ReadWriteMany"
    postgres_storage_class: my-sc-for-database
    redis_storage_class: my-sc-for-cache

Configure Pulp Operator storage to use a Persistent Volume Claim

Pulp operator has the following parameters to configure the components with a Persistent Volume Claim:

  • PVC - defines the name of the Persistent Volume Claim that will be used by Pulp core pods
  • Database.PVC - defines the name of the Persistent Volume Claim that will be used by Database pods
  • Cache.PVC - defines the name of the Persistent Volume Claim that will be used by Cache pods

When Pulp operator is configured with the above parameters it is expected that the PVCs are already provisioned and Pulp operator will automatically configure the Deployments and StatefulSet with them.

To verify the list of Persistent Volume Claims available:

$ kubectl get pvc

If the installation namespace has no Persistent Volume Claim available, it is possible to configure Pulp with other parameters of storage or follow the steps to create a new Persistent Volume Claim.


If the Persistent Volume Claim defined is bound to a RWO volume, it is recommended to also set the Deployment strategy in Pulp CR as Recreate to avoid the Multi-Attach volume error.

Here is an example to deploy Pulp in a persistent way providing different PersistentVolumeClaims for each component:

  pvc: my-pvc-for-pulpcore
    pvc: my-pvc-for-database
    pvc: my-pvc-for-cache

Configure Pulp Operator to use object storage

Pulp operator has the following parameters to configure Pulp core components with Object Storage:

  • ObjectStorageAzureSecret - defines the name of the secret with Azure compliant object storage configuration.
  • ObjectStorageS3Secret - defines the name of the secret with S3 compliant object storage configuration.

When Pulp operator is configured with one of the above parameters it is expected that the secrets are already present in the namespace of Pulp installation. Pulp operator will automatically configure Pulp with the provided Object Storage backend.


Only one type of Object Storage should be provided. Trying to declare both will fail operator execution.

Configure Azure Blob Storage


After performing all the prerequisites, create a Secret with them:

$ PULP_NAMESPACE='my-pulp-namespace'
$ AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME='my-azure-account-name'
$ AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY='my-azure-account-key'
$ AZURE_CONTAINER='pulp-test'
$ AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING='my-azure-connection-string'

$ kubectl -n $PULP_NAMESPACE apply -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: 'test-azure'
  azure-account-name: $AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME
  azure-account-key: $AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY
  azure-container: $AZURE_CONTAINER
  azure-container-path: $AZURE_CONTAINER_PATH
  azure-connection-string: $AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING


azure-connection-string is an optional field that can be used to keep compatibility with other Azure Storage compliant systems, like Azurite.

Now configure Pulp CR with the secret created:

$ kubectl -n $PULP_NAMESPACE edit pulp
  object_storage_azure_secret: test-azure

After that, Pulp Operator will automatically update the config file and redeploy pulpcore pods to get the new configuration.

Configure AWS S3 Storage


  • To configure Pulp with AWS S3 as a storage backend, the first thing to do is create a S3 Bucket to store the objects.
  • After configuring a S3 Bucket take a note of the AWS credentials

After performing all the prerequisites, create a Secret with them:

$ PULP_NAMESPACE='my-pulp-namespace'
$ S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID='my-aws-access-key-id'
$ S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='my-aws-secret-access-key'
$ S3_BUCKET_NAME='pulp3'
$ S3_REGION='us-east-1'

$ kubectl -n $PULP_NAMESPACE apply -f- <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: 'test-s3'
  s3-access-key-id: $S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  s3-secret-access-key: $S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  s3-bucket-name: $S3_BUCKET_NAME
  s3-region: $S3_REGION
If you want to use a custom S3-compatible endpoint, you can use it by specifying the endpoint within the secret data as s3-endpoint. In this case s3-region does not need to be specified and is ignored.

Now configure Pulp CR with the secret created:

$ kubectl -n $PULP_NAMESPACE edit pulp
  object_storage_s3_secret: test-s3

After that, Pulp Operator will automatically update the config file and redeploy pulpcore pods to get the new configuration.