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Api defines desired state of pulpcore-api resources

Field Description Scheme Required
replicas Size is the size of number of pulp-api replicas. Default: 1 int32 true
affinity Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. *corev1.Affinity false
node_selector NodeSelector for the Pulp pods. map[string]string false
tolerations Node tolerations for the Pulp pods. []corev1.Toleration false
topology_spread_constraints Topology rule(s) for the pods. []corev1.TopologySpreadConstraint false
gunicorn_timeout The timeout for the gunicorn process. Default: 90 int false
gunicorn_workers The number of gunicorn workers to use for the api. Default: 2 int false
resource_requirements Resource requirements for the pulp api container. corev1.ResourceRequirements false
readinessProbe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
livenessProbe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
pdb PodDisruptionBudget is an object to define the max disruption that can be caused to a collection of pods *policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec false
strategy The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones. appsv1.DeploymentStrategy false
init_container InitContainer defines configuration of the init-containers that run in pulpcore pods PulpContainer false
env_vars Environment variables to add to pulpcore-api container []corev1.EnvVar false
deployment_annotations Annotations for the api deployment map[string]string false

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Cache defines desired state of redis resources

Field Description Scheme Required
external_cache_secret Name of the secret with the parameters to connect to an external Redis cluster string false
enabled Defines if cache should be enabled. Default: true bool false
redis_image The image name for the redis image. Default: \"redis:latest\" string false
redis_storage_class Storage class to use for the Redis PVC string false
redis_port The port that will be exposed by Redis Service. [default: 6379] int false
redis_resource_requirements Resource requirements for the Redis container corev1.ResourceRequirements false
pvc PersistenVolumeClaim name that will be used by Redis pods If defined, the PVC must be provisioned by the user and the operator will only configure the deployment to use it string false
readinessProbe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
livenessProbe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
affinity Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. *corev1.Affinity false
tolerations Node tolerations for the Pulp pods. []corev1.Toleration false
node_selector NodeSelector for the Pulp pods. map[string]string false
strategy The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones. appsv1.DeploymentStrategy false
deployment_annotations Annotations for the cache deployment map[string]string false

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Content defines desired state of pulpcore-content resources

Field Description Scheme Required
replicas Size is the size of number of pulp-content replicas. Default: 2 int32 true
resource_requirements Resource requirements for the pulp-content container corev1.ResourceRequirements false
affinity Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. *corev1.Affinity false
node_selector NodeSelector for the Pulp pods. map[string]string false
tolerations Node tolerations for the Pulp pods. []corev1.Toleration false
topology_spread_constraints Topology rule(s) for the pods. []corev1.TopologySpreadConstraint false
gunicorn_timeout The timeout for the gunicorn process. Default: 90 int false
gunicorn_workers The number of gunicorn workers to use for the api. Default: 2 int false
readinessProbe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
livenessProbe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
pdb PodDisruptionBudget is an object to define the max disruption that can be caused to a collection of pods *policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec false
strategy The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones. appsv1.DeploymentStrategy false
init_container InitContainer defines configuration of the init-containers that run in pulpcore pods PulpContainer false
env_vars Environment variables to add to pulpcore-content container []corev1.EnvVar false
deployment_annotations Annotations for the content deployment map[string]string false

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Database defines desired state of postgres

Field Description Scheme Required
external_db_secret Secret name with the configuration to use an external database string false
version PostgreSQL version [default: \"13\"] string false
postgres_port PostgreSQL port. Default: 5432 int false
postgres_ssl_mode Configure PostgreSQL connection sslmode option. Default: \"prefer\" string false
postgres_image PostgreSQL container image. Default: \"postgres:13\" string false
postgres_extra_args Arguments to pass to postgres process []string false
postgres_data_path Registry path to the PostgreSQL container to use. Default: \"/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata\" string false
postgres_initdb_args Arguments to pass to PostgreSQL initdb command when creating a new cluster. Default: \"--auth-host=scram-sha-256\" string false
postgres_host_auth_method PostgreSQL host authentication method. Default: \"scram-sha-256\" string false
postgres_resource_requirements Resource requirements for the database container. corev1.ResourceRequirements false
affinity Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. *corev1.Affinity false
node_selector NodeSelector for the database pod. map[string]string false
tolerations Node tolerations for the database pod. []corev1.Toleration false
postgres_storage_requirements Temporarily modifying it as a string to avoid an issue with backup and json.Unmarshal when set as resource.Quantity and no value passed on pulp CR, during backup steps json.Unmarshal is settings it with \"0\" string false
postgres_storage_class Name of the StorageClass required by the claim. *string false
pvc PersistenVolumeClaim name that will be used by database pods If defined, the PVC must be provisioned by the user and the operator will only configure the deployment to use it string false
readinessProbe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
livenessProbe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false

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LDAP defines the ldap resources used by pulpcore containers to integrate Pulp with LDAP authentication

Field Description Scheme Required
config The name of the Secret with ldap config. string false
ca The name of the Secret with the CA chain to connect to ldap server. string false

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Pulp is the Schema for the pulps API

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec PulpSpec false
status PulpStatus false

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PulpContainer defines configuration of the \"auxiliary\" containers that run in pulpcore pods

Field Description Scheme Required
image The image name for the container. By default, if not provided, it will use the same image from .Spec.Image. WARN: defining a different image than the one used by API pods can cause unexpected behaviors! string false
resource_requirements Resource requirements for pulpcore aux container. corev1.ResourceRequirements false
env_vars Environment variables to add to the container []corev1.EnvVar false

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PulpJob defines the jobs used by pulpcore containers to run single-shot administrative tasks

Field Description Scheme Required
container PulpContainer false

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PulpList contains a list of Pulp

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ListMeta false
items [][Pulp](#pulp) true

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PulpSpec defines the desired state of Pulp

Field Description Scheme Required
unmanaged Define if the operator should stop managing Pulp resources. If set to true, the operator will not execute any task (it will be \"disabled\"). Default: false bool false
enable_debugging By default Pulp logs at INFO level, but enabling DEBUG logging can be a helpful thing to get more insight when things don’t go as expected. Default: false bool false
deployment_type Name of the deployment type. Default: \"pulp\" string false
file_storage_size The size of the file storage; for example 100Gi. This field should be used only if file_storage_storage_class is provided string false
file_storage_access_mode The file storage access mode. This field should be used only if file_storage_storage_class is provided string false
file_storage_storage_class Storage class to use for the file persistentVolumeClaim string false
object_storage_azure_secret The secret for Azure compliant object storage configuration. string false
object_storage_s3_secret The secret for S3 compliant object storage configuration. string false
pvc PersistenVolumeClaim name that will be used by Pulp pods. If defined, the PVC must be provisioned by the user and the operator will only configure the deployment to use it string false
db_fields_encryption_secret Secret where the Fernet symmetric encryption key is stored. Default: -\"-db-fields-encryption\" string false
signing_secret Name of the Secret where the gpg key is stored. string false
signing_scripts_configmap [DEPRECATED] ConfigMap where the signing scripts are stored. This field is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use the signing_scripts field instead. string false
signing_scripts Name of the Secret where the signing scripts are stored. string false
ingress_type The ingress type to use to reach the deployed instance. Default: none (will not expose the service) string false
ingress_annotations Annotations for the Ingress map[string]string false
ingress_class_name IngressClassName is used to inform the operator which ingressclass should be used to provision the ingress. Default: \"\" (will use the default ingress class) string false
is_nginx_ingress Define if the IngressClass provided has Nginx as Ingress Controller. If the Ingress Controller is not nginx the operator will automatically provision pulp-web pods to redirect the traffic. If it is a nginx controller the traffic will be forwarded to api and content pods. This variable is a workaround to avoid having to grant a ClusterRole (to do a get into the IngressClass and verify the controller). Default: false bool false
ingress_host Ingress DNS host string false
ingress_tls_secret Ingress TLS secret string false
route_host Route DNS host. Default: + \".\" + ingress.Spec.Domain string false
route_labels RouteLabels will append custom label(s) into routes (used by router shard routeSelector). Default: map[string]string false
route_annotations RouteAnnotations will append custom annotation(s) into routes (used by router shard routeSelector). map[string]string false
route_tls_secret Name of the secret with the certificates/keys used by route encryption string false
nodeport_port Provide requested port value int32 false
haproxy_timeout The timeout for HAProxy. Default: \"180s\" string false
nginx_client_max_body_size The client max body size for Nginx Ingress. Default: \"10m\" string false
nginx_proxy_body_size The proxy body size for Nginx Ingress. Default: \"0\" string false
nginx_proxy_read_timeout The proxy read timeout for Nginx Ingress. Default: \"120s\" string false
nginx_proxy_connect_timeout The proxy connect timeout for Nginx Ingress. Default: \"120s\" string false
nginx_proxy_send_timeout The proxy send timeout for Nginx Ingress. Default: \"120s\" string false
container_token_secret Secret where the container token certificates are stored. Default: + \"-container-auth\" string false
container_auth_public_key_name Public Key name from <operator's name> + \"-container-auth-certs\" Secret. Default: \"container_auth_public_key.pem\" string false
container_auth_private_key_name Private Key name from <operator's name> + \"-container-auth-certs\" Secret. Default: \"container_auth_private_key.pem\" string false
image The image name (repo name) for the pulp image. Default: \"\" string false
image_version The image version for the pulp image. Default: \"stable\" string false
inhibit_version_constraint Relax the check of image_version and image_web_version not matching. Default: \"false\" bool false
image_pull_policy Image pull policy for container image. Default: \"IfNotPresent\" string false
api Api defines desired state of pulpcore-api resources Api true
database Database defines desired state of postgres resources Database false
content Content defines desired state of pulpcore-content resources Content false
worker Worker defines desired state of pulpcore-worker resources Worker false
web Web defines desired state of pulpcore-web (reverse-proxy) resources Web false
cache Cache defines desired state of redis resources Cache false
pulp_settings [DEPRECATED] Definition of /etc/pulp/ config file. This field is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use the custom_pulp_settings field instead. runtime.RawExtension false
custom_pulp_settings Name of the ConfigMap to define Pulp configurations not available through this CR. string false
image_web The image name (repo name) for the pulp webserver image. Default: \"\" string false
image_web_version The image version for the pulp webserver image. Default: \"stable\" string false
admin_password_secret Secret where the administrator password can be found. Default: + \"-admin-password\" string false
image_pull_secrets Image pull secrets for container images. Default: [] []string false
sa_annotations ServiceAccount.metadata.annotations that will be used in Pulp pods. map[string]string false
sa_labels ServiceAccount.metadata.labels that will be used in Pulp pods. map[string]string false
sso_secret Secret where Single Sign-on configuration can be found string false
mount_trusted_ca Define if the operator should or should not mount the custom CA certificates added to the cluster via cluster-wide proxy config. Default: false bool false
deploy_ee_defaults Define if the operator should or should not deploy the default Execution Environments. Default: false bool false
ee_defaults Name of the ConfigMap with the list of Execution Environments that should be synchronized. Default: ee-default-images string false
admin_password_job Job to reset pulp admin password PulpJob false
migration_job Job to run django migrations PulpJob false
signing_job Job to store signing metadata scripts PulpJob false
disable_migrations Disable database migrations. Useful for situations in which we don't want to automatically run the database migrations, for example, during restore. bool false
pulp_secret_key Name of the Secret to provide Django cryptographic signing. Default: \"pulp-secret-key\" string false
allowed_content_checksums List of allowed checksum algorithms used to verify repository's integrity. Valid options: [\"md5\",\"sha1\",\"sha256\",\"sha512\"]. []string false
loadbalancer_protocol Protocol used by pulp-web service when ingress_type==loadbalancer string false
loadbalancer_port Port exposed by pulp-web service when ingress_type==loadbalancer int32 false
telemetry Telemetry defines the OpenTelemetry configuration Telemetry false
ldap LDAP defines the ldap resources used by pulpcore containers to integrate Pulp with LDAP authentication LDAP false
ipv6_disabled Disable ipv6 for pulpcore and pulp-web pods *bool false

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PulpStatus defines the observed state of Pulp

Field Description Scheme Required
conditions []metav1.Condition true
deployment_type Name of the deployment type. string false
object_storage_azure_secret The secret for Azure compliant object storage configuration. string false
object_storage_s3_secret The secret for S3 compliant object storage configuration. string false
db_fields_encryption_secret Secret where the Fernet symmetric encryption key is stored. string false
image Name of pulp image deployed. string false
ingress_type The ingress type to use to reach the deployed instance string false
ingress_class_name IngressClassName is used to inform the operator which ingressclass should be used to provision the ingress. string false
container_token_secret Secret where the container token certificates are stored. string false
admin_password_secret Secret where the administrator password can be found string false
external_cache_secret Name of the secret with the parameters to connect to an external Redis cluster string false
telemetry_enabled Pulp metrics collection enabled bool false
pulp_secret_key Name of the Secret to provide Django cryptographic signing. string false
allowed_content_checksums List of allowed checksum algorithms used to verify repository's integrity. string false
last_deployment_update Controller status to keep tracking of deployment updates string false
managed_cache_enabled Cache deployed by pulp-operator enabled bool false
storage_type Type of storage in use by pulpcore pods string false

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Telemetry defines the configuration for OpenTelemetry used by Pulp

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled Enable Pulp Telemetry Default: false bool false
exporter_otlp_protocol Defines the protocol used by the instrumentator to comunicate with the collector Default: http/protobuf string false
otel_collector_image Defines the image to be used as collector string false
otel_collector_image_version The image version for opentelemetry-collector image. Default: \"latest\" string false
resource_requirements Resource requirements for the sidecar container. corev1.ResourceRequirements false

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Web defines desired state of pulpcore-web (reverse-proxy) resources

Field Description Scheme Required
replicas Size is the size of number of pulp-web replicas. Default: 1 int32 true
resource_requirements Resource requirements for the pulp-web container corev1.ResourceRequirements false
readinessProbe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
livenessProbe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
node_selector NodeSelector for the Web pods. map[string]string false
pdb PodDisruptionBudget is an object to define the max disruption that can be caused to a collection of pods *policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec false
strategy The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones. appsv1.DeploymentStrategy false
service_annotations Annotations for the service map[string]string false
tls_termination_mechanism The secure TLS termination mechanism to use Default: \"edge\" string false
env_vars Environment variables to add to pulpcore-web container []corev1.EnvVar false
deployment_annotations Annotations for the web deployment map[string]string false

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Worker defines desired state of pulpcore-worker resources

Field Description Scheme Required
replicas Size is the size of number of pulp-worker replicas. Default: 2 int32 true
resource_requirements Resource requirements for the pulp-api container corev1.ResourceRequirements false
affinity Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. *corev1.Affinity false
node_selector NodeSelector for the Pulp pods. map[string]string false
tolerations Node tolerations for the Pulp pods. []corev1.Toleration false
topology_spread_constraints Topology rule(s) for the pods. []corev1.TopologySpreadConstraint false
readinessProbe Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
livenessProbe Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if the probe fails. *corev1.Probe false
pdb PodDisruptionBudget is an object to define the max disruption that can be caused to a collection of pods *policy.PodDisruptionBudgetSpec false
strategy The deployment strategy to use to replace existing pods with new ones. appsv1.DeploymentStrategy false
init_container InitContainer defines configuration of the init-containers that run in pulpcore pods PulpContainer false
env_vars Environment variables to add to pulpcore-worker container []corev1.EnvVar false
deployment_annotations Annotations for the worker deployment map[string]string false

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