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Create Custom Profiles

You can create custom profiles for your instance of oci_env by creating adding _local to the end of the profile name. These profiles will be ignored by git. Example oci_env/profiles/my_custom_profile_local/.

For a complete list of available variables, check the Profile Configuration reference.

Basic Usage

OCI env has a pluggable profile system. Profiles can be defined in oci_env/profiles/ or in any pulp plugin at <PLUGIN_NAME>/profiles/.

To generate a new profile template run:

# Generate a new profile in oci_env
oci-env profile init my_profile

# Generate a new profile in a plugin repo
oci-env profile init -p PLUGIN_NAME my_profile

# List available profiles
oci-env profile ls

# Display the for a profile
oci-env profile docs my_profile

Each profile goes in it's own directory and can include:

  • compose.yaml: This is a docker compose file that can define new services or modify the base pulp service.
  • pulp_config.env: Environment file that defines any settings that the profile needs to run.
  • Script that gets run when the environment loads. Can be used to initialize data and set up tests. Must be a bash script.
  • profile_reqirements.txt: A list of other profiles that are required to be set in COMPOSE_PROFILE for this profile to function.
  • profile_default_config.env: A list of default variables to use if not specified by the user.
  • Readme file describing what the profile is for and how to use it.

Intertermediate Example

Profile structure in the galaxy_ng plugin

└── ui
    ├── compose.yaml
    └── pulp_config.env

compose.yaml: This defines a UI service that builds the container found at ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH and configures the UI to proxy requests to the pulp API server.

version: "3.7"

      context: "{ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH}"
      - "8002:8002"
      - "{ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH}:/hub/app/"
      # Forces npm to ignore the node_modules in the volume and look
      # for it in ../node_modules instead, while still being able to write .cache
      - "/hub/app/node_modules"
      - pulp
      - "API_PROXY_HOST=pulp"
      - "API_PROXY_PORT=80"
      - "DEPLOYMENT_MODE=standalone"

pulp_config.env: The UI expects the galaxy apis to be served from /api/automation-hub/ and for the app to be launched in standalone mode. The environment file provided with the profile ensures that the API is configured correctly to consume the new service.






To activate this profile set COMPOSE_PROFILE=galaxy_ng/ui. Running this will launch the UI container along with pulp.

dnewswan-mac:oci_env dnewswan$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
2cc06f79bc87   oci_env_ui                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 seconds ago   Up 1 second>8002/tcp   oci_env_ui_1
e1c3ae797018   localhost/oci_env/pulp:base   "/init"                  6 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds>80/tcp     oci_env_pulp_1

Multiple profiles can be selected with COMPOSE_PROFILE=galaxy_ng/ui:profile2:profile3. The last profile loaded gets priority on environment variables. Each compose.yaml is added additively, and subsquent profles can modify the services from previous profiles.