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Run Tests


# Install the lint requirements and run the linter for a specific plugin
oci-env test -i -p PLUGIN_NAME lint

# Run the linter without installing lint dependencies.
oci-env test -p PLUGIN_NAME lint


# Install the unit test dependencies for a plugin and run it.
oci-env test -i -p PLUGIN_NAME unit

# Run the unit tests for a plugin without installing test dependencies.
oci-env test -p PLUGIN_NAME unit


Before functional tests can be run, you must clone into the parent directory:

├── (...)
├── oci_env
└── pulp-openapi-generator
# Generate the pulp client. This will build clients for all plugins in DEV_SOURCE_PATH. -i will also install the client in the container.
oci-env generate-client -i

# Install the functional test requirements and run the tests
oci-env test -i -p PLUGIN_NAME functional

# Run the tests without installing dependencies.
oci-env test -p PLUGIN_NAME functional

Bindings for specific plugins can be regenerated with oci-env generate-client PLUGIN_NAME.

Use --language parameter to specify the programming language the bindings should be generated for (default: python), e.g. oci-env generate-client -l ruby PLUGIN_NAME.

Remote Debugging

Using epdb

  1. Add "epdb" to the functest_requirements.txt file in your pulp_ansible checkout path.
  2. Inside any functional test, add import epdb;
  3. Re-run oci-env test -i functional and oci-env test -p pulp_ansible functional --capture=no commands again.

Using PyCharm

  1. Start the debugger server in PyCharm. When using podman, the hostname should be set to host.containers.internal hostname. Docker users should use host.docker.internal hostname.
  2. Add a break point to your Pythong code:
    import pydevd_pycharm
    pydevd_pycharm.settrace('host.containers.internal', port=3013, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)`
  3. Restart all services you need to pick up the code change by running s6-svc -r /var/run/service/<service_name>
  4. Perform the action that should trigger the code to run.


Please note that host.containers.internal points to the wrong interface in podman < 4.1. When using podman < 4.1, you need modify /etc/hosts inside the container running Pulp with the IP address for the publicly facing network interface on the host.