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Pulp Operator Secrets

Pulp Operator creates k8s Secrets based on the configuration defined in Pulp CR.

Some Secrets are not reconciled, which means, any modification in their content will not get synchronized with the CR definition. This is to avoid losing any custom data added to the Secret.

Restore the default values

To restore the default values defined by the Operator it is possible to remove the secret and let the Operator recreate it:


This is a disruptive action. Any change made directly into the Secret will be lost.
We recommend to make a backup of the Secret before removing it.

  • make a copy of the Secret

    $ kubectl get secret -oyaml > my_secret.yaml

  • delete the secret (the Operator will create a new one with the default values)

    $ kubectl delete secret <secret name>


Any modifications to the Secrets will not be replicated to the running pods.
To update the Pods with the new Secret contents just delete the Pod (the new Pod provisioned by the controller will mount the updated Secret).

List of Secrets deployed by the Operator

The following Secrets are created by the operator in case they are not provided through Pulp CR. The name of the Secrets can be different depending on the Pulp's CR name.


For the sake of simplicity, we are considering that the Operator is "pulp", so all of the following Secrets will be prefixed with pulp-.


Will be used to populate /etc/pulp/ configuration file.


Do not modify this Secret, the content will get overwritten by the operator. Any modification in Pulp CR that impact changing the content of this Secret will trigger a redeploy of pulp-api and pulp-content pods.

Here is an example of a Secret created by the Operator:

DB_ENCRYPTION_KEY = "/etc/pulp/keys/database_fields.symmetric.key"
ANSIBLE_API_HOSTNAME = "http://pulp-web-svc.pulp.svc.cluster.local:24880"
ANSIBLE_CERTS_DIR = "/etc/pulp/keys/"
CONTENT_ORIGIN = "http://pulp-web-svc.pulp.svc.cluster.local:24880"
        'default': {
                'HOST': 'postgres.db.svc.cluster.local',
                'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
                'NAME': 'pulp',
                'USER': 'pulp-admin',
                'PASSWORD': 'password',
                'PORT': '5432',
                'CONN_MAX_AGE': 0,
                'OPTIONS': { 'sslmode': 'prefer' },
        'execution_environments': 'True',
PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = "/etc/pulp/keys/container_auth_private_key.pem"
PUBLIC_KEY_PATH = "/etc/pulp/keys/container_auth_public_key.pem"
STATIC_ROOT = "/var/lib/operator/static/"
TOKEN_SERVER = "http://pulp-api-svc.pulp.svc.cluster.local:24817/token/"
API_ROOT = "/pulp/"
REDIS_HOST =  "pulp-redis-svc.pulp"
REDIS_PORT =  "6379"

For more information about Pulp Settings config file see Pulpcore doc.
For more information about how to configure file using Pulp Operator see Pulp Settings.


Symmetric key used to encrypt the data stored in the database.
The current version of Operator does not provide a way to modify this key yet.


To define the password from Pulp admin user, create a Secret with a password key and set admin_password_secret with the name of the Secret created.

  • in this example we are creating a secret called "my-admin-password" and the "password" key has "MySuperSecretPassword" as value
    $ kubectl create secret generic my-admin-password --from-literal=password=MySuperSecretPassword
  • now we need to set the admin_password_secret field in the CR
      admin_password_secret: my-admin-password

If the admin_password_secret field is not defined with the name of a Secret the Operator will create one (called pulp-admin-password) with a random string.
This field is immutable, i.e., it is not possible to modify the name of the Secret that the Operator will use to define the admin password. In case of a need to update the admin password, the Secret content should be updated instead.


Contains the keys which are going to be used for the signing and validation of tokens.
It is managed by container_token_secret field in Pulp CR. The Secret name is immutable (an attempt to change its name in Pulp CR will reconcile it), any update should be done in the existing Secret content.


Name of the Kubernetes Secret with Django SECRET_KEY.
From Django doc: "A secret key for a particular Django installation. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value."
The must be named secret_key.

  • in this example we are creating a secret called "my-django-secret-key" and the "secret_key" key has "MySuperSecretPassword" as value
    $ kubectl create secret generic my-django-secret-key --from-literal=secret_key=MySuperSecretPassword
  • now we need to set the pulp_secret_key field in the CR
      pulp_secret_key: my-django-secret-key

If the pulp_secret_key field is not defined with the name of a Secret the Operator will create one (called pulp-secret-key) with a random string.
This field is immutable, i.e., it is not possible to modify the name of the Secret that the Operator will use to define the Django SECRET_KEY. In case of a need to update it, the Secret content should be updated instead.