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JSON Header Authentication

In a situation where it is not possible to use Basic Authentication Pulp can rely on a third-party service to authenticate a user. Using JSONHeaderRemoteAuthentication it's possible to receive a payload and even use JQ to filter it and obtain the relevant data. The user is created in the database if one is not found.

You can set AUTHENTICATION_JSON_HEADER and AUTHENTICATION_JSON_HEADER_JQ_FILTER to obtain a user given a header name and its value respectively::
AUTHENTICATION_JSON_HEADER_JQ_FILTER = ".identity.user.username"

will look for a x-authentication-service header and its content. With the given filter, it will extract the information from a payload like this::

  identity: {
    user: {
      username: "user"

Enabling JSONHeaderRemoteAuthentication

The JSONHeaderRemoteAuthentication can be enabled by:

  1. Add the django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS, or some authentication backend that subclasses it.

  2. You need to add the to REST_FRAMEWORK['DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES'] setting.

  3. Change the AUTHENTICATION_JSON_HEADER to your value of choice. Remember that it must start with HTTP_, so, if your header is x-authentication-service, you need to set it to HTTP_X_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE.

  4. Set a JQ filter on AUTHENTICATION_JSON_HEADER_JQ_FILTER. You can find the JQ query syntax and reference on its official site here.

Remember that the content of the header must be Base64 encoded.

Enabling the ThirdParty Authentication Schema

In a case where Pulp is deployed behind an API Gateway which could require a specific authentication schema, it may be necessary to indicate to the clients which authorization process to use. For this scenario, you may be able to provide an OpenAPI security schema describing it to be interpreted by clients.

To enable that, you have to configure the AUTHENTICATION_JSON_HEADER_OPENAPI_SECURITY_SCHEME setting with a payload following the Security Scheme Object definition. Here are some examples describing a HTTP basic auth, a simple bearer server and an OAuth2 authentication scheme:

=== HTTP Basic Authentication

    "type": "http",
    "description": "External HTTP Basic integration",
    "scheme": "basic",

=== Bearer/Token Authentication

    "type": "apiKey",
    "in": "header",
    "name": "HeaderName",
    "description": "External Bearer/Token integration",

=== OAuth2 Authentication

    "type": "oauth2",
    "description": "External OAuth integration",
    "flows": {
        "clientCredentials": {
            "tokenUrl": "https://your-identity-provider/token/issuer",
            "scopes": {"api.console": "grant_access_to_pulp"}