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Configure Storage Backend

Pulp uses django-storages to support multiple storage backends. See the reference for the STORAGES settings.

Modifying the settings

The settings can be updated via the file or through environment variables and have support to dynaconf merge features (learn more on the Settings Introduction).

To learn where and how to modify the files and environment variables, refer to the appropriate installation method documentation:

Local Filesystem (default)


In this example, the storage file permission and MEDIA_ROOT are overridden:

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "",
        "OPTIONS": {
            "file_permissions_mode": 0o600,
            "directory_permissions_mode": 0o600,
MEDIA_ROOT="/custom/media/root"  # default: /var/lib/pulp/media


  • The MEDIA_ROOT setting specifies where Pulp will save the files.
  • Pulp customizes Django's default class, The original can't be used.
  • There are some other related global definitions provided by django:

Comprehensive options for Local Filesystem can be found in Django docs.

Amazon S3


Before you can configure Amazon S3 storage to use with Pulp, ensure that you complete the following steps (consult the official Amazon S3 docs for precise steps).

  1. Set up an AWS account.
  2. Create an S3 bucket for Pulp to use.
  3. In AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), create a user that Pulp can use to access your S3 bucket.
  4. Save the access key id and secret access key.


In this example, the storage uses a bucket called pulp3 that is hosted in region eu-central-1:

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "storages.backends.s3.S3Storage",
        "OPTIONS": {
            "access_key": 'AKIAIT2Z5TDYPX3ARJBA',
            "secret_key": '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',
            "bucket_name": 'pulp3',
            "signature_version": "s3v4",
            "addressing_style": "path",
            "region_name": "eu-central-1",


  • MEDIA_ROOT must be set to an empty string.
  • You can omit access_key and secret_key if:
    1. The system that hosts Pulp is running on AWS
    2. And the instance_profile provides access to the S3 bucket

Comprehensive options for Amazon S3 can be found in django-storages docs.

S3 Compatible

The same storages.backends.s3.S3Storage backend can be used for S3 Compatible API services, such as Minio, Ceph/RADOS and Backblaze B2.

The django-storages documentation provides a reference for setting up some of these services.

Azure Blob storage


Before you can configure Azure Blob storage to use with Pulp, ensure that you complete the following steps (consult the official Azure documentation for precise steps).

  1. Set up an Azure account and create a storage account.
  2. In your storage account, create a container under Blob service.
  3. Obtain the access credentials so that you can later configure Pulp to access your Azure Blob storage. You can find the access credentials at the storage account level, at Access keys (these are automatically generated).


In this example, the storage uses a container called pulp3 with the pulp-account username.

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "storages.backends.azure_storage.AzureStorage",
        "OPTIONS": {
            "account_name": 'pulp-account',
            "azure_container": 'pulp3',
            "account_key": 'Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==',
            "expiration_secs": 60,
            "overwrite_files": 'True',
            "location": 'pulp3'


  • MEDIA_ROOT must be set to an empty string.

Comprehensive options for Azure Blob can be found in django-storages docs.