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Restricting Viewable Objects

With limited object-level permissions on certain objects, its desirable to restrict the objects shown to users. This effectively causes a Pulp system with many users to have each user see only "their" permissions.

This feature is generally referred to as Queryset Scoping because it is applied as an additional filter on the base Queryset of a ViewSet. This causes the permission filtering to work with other filterings applied by a user.


If Domains are enabled, querysets will be scoped by the current request's domain before being passed onto RBAC queryset scoping.

Enabling QuerySet Scoping

The support for this is built into pulpcore.plugin.viewsets.NamedModelViewSet, which is often the base class for any model-based ViewSet if Pulp. Queryset Scoping is performed by the ViewSet's get_queryset method which calls each permission class' method scope_queryset if present. Pulp's default permission class,, implementation of scope_queryset calls the ViewSet function in the AccessPolicy field queryset_scoping if defined. This field can be changed by the user to any method on the ViewSet or set empty if they wish to turn off Queryset Scoping for that view:

    # Call method `scope_queryset` on ViewSet to perform Queryset Scoping
    "queryset_scoping": {"function": "scope_queryset"},

NamedModelViewSet has a default scope_queryset implementation that will scope the query based of the queryset_filtering_required_permission class attribute set on ViewSet. Objects will only be shown to users that have access to this specific permission either at the model-level or object-level.

For example Tasks are restricted only to those users with the "core.view_task" permission like this:

    queryset_filtering_required_permission = "core.view_task"

Manually Implementing QuerySet Scoping

Default scoping behavior can be overriden by supplying your own scope_queryset method. scope_queryset takes one argument, the queryset to be scoped, and returns the scoped queryset. Content ViewSet's have their scope_queryset method overriden to scope based on repositories the user can see.


When queryset scoping is enabled for content you must also use the has_required_repo_perms_on_upload access condition on the upload endpoint to ensure users specify a repository for upload or they won't be able to see their uploaded content.

Extra Queryset Scoping methods can be defined on the ViewSet to allow users to choose different behaviors besides On/Off. The method must accept the queryset as the first argument. Additional parameters can also be accepted by supplying them in a parameters section of the queryset_scoping field of the AccessPolicy like so:

from pulpcore.plugin.viewsets import NamedModelViewSet
from pulpcore.plugin.util import get_objects_for_user

class MyViewSet(NamedModelViewSet):

        # Statements omitted
        "queryset_scoping" : {
            # This entire field is editable by the user
            "function": "different_permission_scope",
            "parameters": {"permission": "my.example_permission"}

    def different_permission_scope(qs, permission):
        """Example extra scoping method that uses a user specified permission to scope."""
        return get_objects_for_user(self.request.user, permission, qs=qs)

If your ViewSet does not inherit from pulpcore.plugin.viewsets.NamedModelViewSet or you would like more control over the QuerySet Scoping feature it can be added manually by adding a get_queryset method to your ViewSet which returns the filtered QuerySet.

To look up objects by permission easily from an existing QuerySet use the get_objects_for_user provided by pulpcore. Here's an example:

from pulpcore.plugin.util import get_objects_for_user

class MyViewSet(rest_framework.viewsets.GenericViewSet):

    def get_queryset(self):
        qs = super().get_queryset()
        permission_name = "my.example_permission"
        return get_objects_for_user(self.request.user, permission_name, qs=qs)


If you have custom ViewSets and plan to add Domains compatibility to your plugin, you must scope your objects by the domain in the ViewSet's get_queryset method to comply with Domain's isolation policies.