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Manage Labels

Pulp provides a way to add key/value data to many resources (e.g. repositories, remotes, distributions) in the form of labels. Labels are also useful for categorizing and filtering resources. In the API, labels appear as a dictionary field that maps keys (strings) to values (also strings).

Creating labels

To create labels:

# create a new repository
pulp file repository create --name myrepo

# set some labels
pulp file repository label set --name myrepo --key environment --value production
pulp file repository label set --name myrepo --key reviewed --value true

# call show to view the repo's labels
pulp file repository show --name myrepo

On show, you should see the new labels that have been created:

  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/",
  "pulp_created": "2021-01-29T17:54:17.084105Z",
  "pulp_labels": {
    "environment": "production",
    "reviewed": "true"
  "latest_version_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/0/",
  "name": "myrepo",
  "description": null,
  "remote": null

Updating labels

To update an existing label, call set again:

# update the label
pulp file repository label set --name myrepo --key reviewed --value false

# call show to view the repo's labels
pulp file repository show --name myrepo

On show, you should now see:

  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/",
  "pulp_created": "2021-01-29T17:54:17.084105Z",
  "versions_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/",
  "pulp_labels": {
    "environment": "production",
    "reviewed": "false"
  "latest_version_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/0/",
  "name": "myrepo",
  "description": null,
  "remote": null

Unsetting labels

To remove a label from a resource, call the unset command:

# update the label
pulp file repository label unset --name myrepo --key reviewed

# call show to view the repo's labels
pulp file repository show --name myrepo

On show, you should now see:

  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/",
  "pulp_created": "2021-01-29T17:54:17.084105Z",
  "versions_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/",
  "pulp_labels": {
    "environment": "production"
  "latest_version_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/0/",
  "name": "myrepo",
  "description": null,
  "remote": null


Pulp provides a pulp_label_select field for filtering resources by label. The value for this field must be url-encoded. The following operations are supported:

  • environment=production - label has key 'environment' with value 'production'
  • environment!=production - label has key 'environment' without value 'production'
  • environment~prod - label has key 'environment' with value that contains 'prod' (case insensitive)
  • enviroment - label has key of environment
  • !environment - label without a key of environment

Multiple terms can be combined with ,:

  • environment=production,reviewed=true - returns resources with labels where environment is production and reviewed is true
  • environment,reviewed=false - returns resources with an environment label and where reviewed is false

To filter using the CLI use --label-select:

pulp file repository list --label-select="environment~prod,reviewed"

This would return a list of repositories such as:

  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/",
  "pulp_created": "2021-01-29T17:54:17.084105Z",
  "versions_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/",
  "pulp_labels": {
    "environment": "production",
    "reviewed": "true"
  "latest_version_href": "/pulp/api/v3/repositories/file/file/13477a92-b811-4436-a76a-d2469a17a62e/versions/0/",
  "name": "myrepo",
  "description": null,
  "remote": null