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Role-based Access Control

Role-based access control (RBAC) restricts access to entities based on a user's role within an organization. A role consists of one or more permissions. Users having a proper set of roles can view, modify, or delete resources hosted on different endpoints.

By default, container repositories' content is accessible via podman or docker pull commands, unless the opposite is explicitly specified. A private repository can be created via the REST API for container distributions. An existing distribution can be updated with the parameter private=True.


Users logged in as administrators (staff) always bypass any authorization checks.


Role based access control (RBAC) is configured using access policies for the following endpoints:

  • pulp_container/namespaces
  • distributions/container/container
  • repositories/container/container-push
  • remotes/container/container
  • repositories/container/container
  • repositories/container/container-push/versions
  • repositories/container/container/versions
  • content/container/blobs
  • content/container/manifests
  • content/container/tags

Default Roles

For each endpoint, a different set of roles is defined. The roles can be assigned at the model or object level for every user or group. In the following sections, the Creator, Owner, Consumer, and Collaborator roles are introduced. The Consumer and Collaborator roles are defined only for namespaces and distributions (i.e., container repositories served by the Pulp Registry).

Creator Role

The Creator role contains the add permission for objects present on a particular endpoint. For the distributions endpoint, only users with the container.add_containerdistribution permission can create objects:

pulp role show --name "container.containerdistribution_creator"
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/roles/1a8555c8-3bfc-4688-81e3-5bf6fa38b9d7/",
  "pulp_created": "2022-05-26T12:02:28.872667Z",
  "name": "container.containerdistribution_creator",
  "description": null,
  "permissions": [
  "locked": true

To perform operations on an endpoint (aka ViewSet actions), a user may need to have additional permissions. One of the following conditions need to be satisfied to create a new distribution:

pulp access-policy show --viewset-name "distributions/container/container" | jq -r '.statements[] | select(.action[] | contains("create"))'
  "action": [
  "effect": "allow",
  "condition": "has_namespace_model_perms",
  "principal": "authenticated"
  "action": [
  "effect": "allow",
  "condition": "has_namespace_perms:container.add_containerdistribution",
  "principal": "authenticated"
  "action": [
  "effect": "allow",
  "condition": "namespace_is_username",
  "principal": "authenticated"


A user with the Creator role for namespaces does not need to have any additional roles to create distributions within the given namespaces. Similarly, the user is allowed to create distributions within the owning username namespace (e.g., user alice can create container repositories like alice/repo1).

Owner Role

The Owner role contains all of the permissions available for the associated ViewSet apart from the add permission. For the ViewSet hosting namespaces, the set of permissions reads:

pulp role show --name "container.containernamespace_owner"
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/roles/1f5519f5-5b2d-47cc-b081-2f38f256740e/",
  "pulp_created": "2022-05-26T12:02:28.999330Z",
  "name": "container.containernamespace_owner",
  "description": null,
  "permissions": [
  "locked": true

Besides the permissions for Read, Update, and Delete actions, the Owner role has the mange_roles permission that allows the user to call the ViewSet's add_role and remove_role endpoints for easy management of roles around that ViewSet's object.

The Owner role for namespaces contains permissions for any additional action that can be performed on the related endpoints. The endpoints serving content for container clients permit access to container distributions/repositories based on the presence of pull_containerdistribution and push_containerdistributuion permissions.


Repositories of the push type created with container clients (e.g., by running podman push) are considered public and anyone can pull the images from them.

Consumer Role

The Consumer role contains only the view and pull permissions. Below, a list of associated permissions for distributions is showcased:

pulp role show --name "container.containerdistribution_consumer"
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/roles/7b97928a-5d33-454f-982e-41cfe102b273/",
  "pulp_created": "2022-05-26T12:02:28.945828Z",
  "name": "container.containerdistribution_consumer",
  "description": null,
  "permissions": [
  "locked": true

Having the view and pull permissions allows a user to see and pull content from the Pulp Registry. Assigning this role only at the object level allows administrators and owners to select what the user can see.

pulp container distribution create --name "foo" --base-path "bar"
pulp user create --username "consumer"
pulp container distribution role add --name "foo" --user "consumer" --role "container.containerdistribution_consumer"
pulp user role-assignment list --username "consumer"
    "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/users/44/roles/6e58251d-7656-4c0d-9630-ea51ed7c29b5/",
    "pulp_created": "2022-05-27T15:27:00.623004Z",
    "role": "container.containerdistribution_consumer",
    "content_object": "/pulp/api/v3/distributions/container/container/5b8ec13c-d578-4b3a-9b99-80986e5e00b6/"

Also, it is possible to assign the role in the following manner:

PULP_HREF=$(pulp container distribution show --name "foo" | jq -r ".pulp_href")
pulp user role-assignment add --object ${PULP_HREF} --username "consumer" --role "container.containerdistribution_consumer"

Collaborator Role

The Collaborator role represents a set of permissions that a co-worker working within a same user-space should have. In addition to the Consumer role, users with the Collaborator role are allowed to add (push) and modify content. The following set of permissions is evaluated for the Collaborator role for distributions:

pulp role show --name "container.containerdistribution_collaborator"
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/roles/933e0376-8945-489a-93a6-cafb6753f4bb/",
  "pulp_created": "2022-05-26T12:02:28.924330Z",
  "name": "container.containerdistribution_collaborator",
  "description": null,
  "permissions": [
  "locked": true
pulp role show --name "container.containernamespace_collaborator"
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/roles/1466e614-73a7-4a58-ab36-ced0ab1a1809/",
  "pulp_created": "2022-05-26T12:02:29.058226Z",
  "name": "container.containernamespace_collaborator",
  "description": null,
  "permissions": [
  "locked": true


A role is defined by one or more permissions. In this section, details of permissions used within the container plugin are discussed.


The concept of managing granular permissions is obsolete. As of release 2.11.0, the plugin uses roles instead of separate permission classes. To migrate the customized permission classes to roles, follow the instructions shown at migrating-perms-to-roles.


Pulp Container namespaces allow users to reuse repository names under different context. The namespace can represent an organization, a team, or any other kind of logical grouping of container repositories. Namespaces provide a naming convention for container repositories. Repositories in the foo namespace are named foo/something and foo/something-else.

The default access policy for pulp_container/namespaces requires a user to have the container.add_containernamespace permission to create a new namespace. Alternatively a user is allowed to create a namespace that matches his username if it did not exist before. The new namespace can be created by pushing an image using podman or docker client. This same permissions allow the user of Pulp's API to create a new namespace.

The creation of a new namespace creates three user groups that can access the namespace: Owners, Collaborators, and Consumers. The user that creates the namespace is automatically added to the Owners group.

Namespace Owners

The group name is container.namespace.owners.<namespace name>. This group has the following object permissions for the namespace:


The users in the owners group have the permissions to add/remove users from all three groups associated with the namespace. They also have the ability to create, update, and delete repositories in the namespace.

In addition to being able to use the podman or docker client to manage repositories, owners can use Pulp's API to add and remove tags in the repositories for the namespace.

Namespace Collaborators

The group name is container.namespace.collaborators.<namespace name>. This group has the following object permissions for the namespace:


Users in the Collaborator group can do everything that the owners can, with the exception of deleting the namespace.

Namespace Consumers

The group name is container.namespace.consumers.<namespace name>. This group has the following object permissions for the namespace:


Users in the Consumers group can pull from any of the repositories in the namespace. Users should only need to be added to this group if private repositories are being used. If the repository is public, then anyone can pull from the repository.


Distributions are Pulp resources that represent URLs where repositories can be consumed. Permissions for accessing specific container repositories are described in terms of permissions to access Container Distributions. Each time a new repository is pushed using podman or docker, a Container Distribution is created. There is also a Container Push Repository created. Both of these resources can be accessed using Pulp's API.

The creation of a new distribution creates three user groups that can access the distribution: Owners, Collaborators, and Consumers. The user that creates the distribution is automatically added to the Owners group.

Distribution Owners

The group name is container.distribution.owners.<distribution uuid>. This group has the following object permissions for the Distribution:


The Owners group also has the following permissions for the Container Push Repository associated with the Distribution:


The owners of a Container Distribution have the ability to update and delete the repository associated with the Distribution. They can also add/remove users from the groups associated with the distribution.

Distribution Collaborators

The group name is container.distribution.collaborators.<distribution uuid>. This group has the following object permissions for the Distribution:


The Collaborators group also has the following permissions for the Container Push Repository associated with the Distribution:


Users in the Collaborator group can do everything that the owners can, with the exception for deleting the Distribution.

Distribution Consumers

The group name is container.distribution.consumers.<distribution uuid>. This group has the following object permissions for the distribution:


The Consumers group also has the following permissions for the Container Push Repository associated with the Distribution:


Users in the Consumers group can the pull the repository. Users should only need to be added to this group if the Distribution has been configured with private=True. If the Distribution is public, then anyone can pull from the repository associated with the Distribution.

Pull-through Distribution Owners

This role allows users to manage and pull content from the pull-through cache distribution.


Pull-through Distribution Collaborators

Users who have this role assigned can preview and pull new content from the main pull-through cache distribution.


Pull-through Distribution Consumers

Similarly to the collaborator role, the following set of permissions is set for the consumer role:


It is recommended to assign at least one role with these permissions to allow users to pull new content from a remote repository:

"container.namespace_modify_content_containerrepository" (e.g., namespace collaborator)
"container.namespace_add_containerdistribution" (e.g., namespace collaborator)
"container.pull_new_containerdistribution" (e.g., pull-through cache consumer)

Users without the permissions can still pull already cached content from Pulp. This behaviour is further restricted by flagging a distribution as private=True.

Private Repositories

Users wishing to pull from a Container Distribution with private=True will require the following object level permission on the Distribution:


Users that wish to be able to access the distribution with Pulp's API need the following object level permission on the Distribution:


Users that wish to be able to access the repository associated with the distribution with Pulp's API need the following object level permission on the Container Push Repository:
