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Creating Domain-Enabled APIs

This document outlines the components and patterns needed to create a domain-enabled API in the Pulp platform

1. Model Configuration


  • Inherit from BaseModel to get standard Pulp fields and behaviors
  • Include a pulp_domain foreign key field to associate records with specific domains

Example Implementation

from pulpcore.plugin.models import BaseModel, Domain
from import get_domain_pk

class YourDomainEnabledModel(BaseModel):
    # Your model-specific fields
    some_field = models.TextField()
    data = models.JSONField()

    # Domain relationship - this is the key component for domain enablement
    pulp_domain = models.ForeignKey("core.Domain", default=get_domain_pk, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Your Model {self.pulp_id}"

2. Serializer Configuration


  • Inherit from ModelSerializer to get standard Pulp serialization behavior
  • Include an IdentityField for proper HREF generation
  • Include all model fields that should be exposed in the API

Example Implementation

from pulpcore.plugin.serializers import IdentityField
from rest_framework import serializers
from pulpcore.plugin.serializers import ModelSerializer

class YourModelSerializer(ModelSerializer):
    pulp_href = IdentityField(view_name="your-endpoint-name-detail")
    # Include serializer fields corresponding to your model fields
    some_field = serializers.CharField()
    data = serializers.JSONField()

    class Meta:
        model = YourDomainEnabledModel
        fields = ModelSerializer.Meta.fields + ('some_field', 'data')

3. ViewSet Configuration


  • Inherit from NamedModelViewSet for correct Pulp behavior (routing, permissions, domain scoping)
  • Include mixins for specific operations (ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, etc.)
  • Set endpoint_name for API URL generation
  • Set queryset and serializer_class
  • Implement custom methods as needed (create, list, etc.)

Out-of-the-Box Functionality with Mixins

By including the standard Django REST Framework mixins, you get working endpoints without writing additional code:

  • ListModelMixin: Automatically implements the .list() method, handling GET requests to the collection endpoint (/pulp/{domain}/api/v3/your-endpoint-name/). This provides:

    • Automatic pagination
    • Domain-aware filtering (objects only from the current domain)
    • Serialization of results using your serializer class
  • RetrieveModelMixin: Automatically implements the .retrieve() method, handling GET requests to detail endpoints (/pulp/{domain}/api/v3/your-endpoint-name/{uuid}/). This provides:

    • Automatic lookup by UUID (pulp_id)
    • Domain-aware object retrieval
    • 404 responses for objects that don't exist or are in other domains

Simply by including these mixins and setting up the proper queryset and serializer_class, your API gains functional list and detail views with proper domain isolation.

Example Implementation

from import NamedModelViewSet
from rest_framework.mixins import ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin
from import OperationPostponedResponse
from pulpcore.plugin.tasking import dispatch

class YourModelViewSet(NamedModelViewSet, ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin):
    endpoint_name = 'your-endpoint-name'
    queryset = YourDomainEnabledModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = YourModelSerializer

    # No need to implement list() or retrieve() - they're provided by the mixins!

    def create(self, request):
        # Implement your creation logic
        serializer = YourCreateSerializer(

        # For async operations
        task = dispatch(your_async_task, kwargs={
            'param1': serializer.validated_data['param1']

        return OperationPostponedResponse(task, request)

4. Task Implementation (For Async Operations)

For domain-enabled APIs that need async operations:

def your_async_task(self, param1):
    Process data asynchronously.

        param1: Data from the API request

        Dictionary of results
    # Your task implementation
    # Domain context is automatically handled by Pulp task system
    # Use util method `get_domain` to get the current domain in the running Task

    # Create the model instance
    model_instance = YourDomainEnabledModel.objects.create(
        data={"processed": True}


5. URL Registration

With NamedModelViewSet, URL registration happens automatically:

  • No manual URL configuration is needed
  • The endpoint_name property in your ViewSet determines the URL path
  • URLs are registered automatically when Pulp starts up

For example, a ViewSet with endpoint_name = 'your-endpoint-name' will automatically be available at:

  • GET /pulp/{domain-name}/api/v3/your-endpoint-name/ (list endpoint)
  • GET /pulp/{domain-name}/api/v3/your-endpoint-name/{uuid}/ (detail endpoint)
  • Other HTTP methods as defined by your included mixins

This automatic URL registration is a key advantage of using the Pulp platform and NamedModelViewSet.

# No manual URL registration needed - this happens automatically
class YourModelViewSet(NamedModelViewSet, ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin):
    endpoint_name = 'your-endpoint-name'  # This defines the URL path
    queryset = YourDomainEnabledModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = YourModelSerializer

Key Considerations

  1. Domain Filtering: The pulp_domain foreign key enables automatic domain filtering in the Pulp platform
  2. Permissions: Consider domain-specific permissions if needed
  3. Serialization: Ensure proper serialization of domain-specific data
  4. Task Dispatching: Use the Pulp task system for async operations

Complete Example:

The implementation demonstrates these patterns:

  • Model: Has pulp_domain field to associate reports with domains
  • Serializer: Exposes domain-specific fields and proper HREF generation
  • ViewSet: Provides domain-aware CRUD operations
  • Task: Handles async processing while maintaining domain context

By following these patterns, you can create domain-enabled APIs that properly isolate data between domains while leveraging Pulp's powerful features for API management and asynchronous task handling.