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Content Protection

By default, the Content app will serve all content, but some deployments want to only serve content to some users and not others. For example pulp_rpm only wants to give rpms to users who have valid certificates declaring their paid access to content. To allow total customization of how content is protected, A plugin writer can define a ContentGuard.

Defining a ContentGuard

The ContentGuard is a Master/Detail object provided at from pulpcore.plugin.models import ContentGuard, which provides these base fields.

In your plugin code, subclass ContentGuard and optionally add additional fields as necessary to perform the authentication and authorization. Then overwrite the permit method so that it returns None if access is granted and throws a PermissionError on denial. As with all Master/Detail objects a TYPE class attribute is needed which is then used in the URL. For ContentGuard detail objects the URL structure is:



The pulp-certguard plugin ships various ContentGuard types for users and plugin writers to use together. Plugins can ship their own content guards too, but look at the existing ones first.

Simple Example

Here's a trivial example where the client needs to send a header named SECRET_STRING and if its value matches a recorded value for that ContentGuard instance, give the content to the user. The secret both authenticates the user and authorizes them for this Content.

from django.db import models
from pulpcore.plugin.models import ContentGuard

class SecretStringContentGuard(ContentGuard):

    TYPE = 'secret_string'

    secret_string = models.FileField(max_length=255)

    def permit(self, request):

        Authorize the specified web request.

            request (aiohttp.web.Request): A request for a published file.

            PermissionError: When the request cannot be authorized.
        ca =
        validator = Validator(ca.decode('utf8'))

    class Meta:
        default_related_name = "%(app_label)s_%(model_name)s"

End-User use of ContentGuard

Users create an instance of a SecretStringContentGuard and give it a secret string with httpie:

http POST http://localhost:24817/pulp/api/v3/contentguards/<plugin_name>/secret_string/ \

Then the user can protect one or more Distributions by specifying content_guard. See the ContentGuard creation API for more information.

Plugin Writer use of ContentGuard

Plugin writers can also programatically create detail ContentGuard instances and have the plugin's detail Distribution they define force its use. This allows plugin writers to offer content protection features to users with fewer user required steps.