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The Content app provides built-in functionality to handle user requests for content, but in some cases the default behavior may not work for some content types. For example, Container content requires specific response headers to be present. In these cases the plugin write should provide a custom Handler to the Content App by subclassing pulpcore.plugin.content.Handler.

Making a custom Handler is a two-step process:

  1. subclass pulpcore.plugin.content.Handler to define your Handler's behavior
  2. Add the Handler to a route using aiohttp.server's add_route() interface.

If content needs to be served from within the Distribution's base_path, overriding the pulpcore.plugin.models.Distribution.content_handler and pulpcore.plugin.models.Distribution.content_handler_directory_listing methods in your Distribution is an easier way to serve this content. The pulpcore.plugin.models.Distribution.content_handler method should return an instance of aiohttp.web_response.Response or a pulpcore.plugin.models.ContentArtifact.

Creating your Handler

Import the Handler object through the plugin API and then subclass it. Custom functionality can be provided by overriding the various methods of Handler, but here is the simplest version:

from pulpcore.plugin.content import Handler

class MyHandler(Handler):


Here is an example of the Container custom Handler.

Registering your Handler

We register the Handler with Pulp's Content App by importing the aiohttp.server 'app' and then adding a custom route to it. Here's an example:

from pulpcore.content import app

app.add_routes([web.get(r'/my/custom/{somevar:.+}', MyHandler().stream_content)])

Here is an example of Container registering some custom routes.

Restricting which detail Distributions Match

To restrict which Distribution model types your Handler will serve, set the distribution_model field to your Model type. This causes the Handler to only search/serve your Distribution types.

from pulpcore.plugin.content import Handler

from models import MyDistribution

class MyHandler(Handler):

    distribution_model = MyDistribution


.. autoclass:: pulpcore.plugin.content.Handler