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Modify Repository Content

Modifying existing Repository Content lets you filter what content you want in a Repository.

Keep in mind that none of these operations introduces new Content or deletes a Content from a Pulp instance. To populate Pulp, see Post and Delete Content or Create, Sync and Publish a Repository.

Basic Repository Modification API

Like all Pulp repositories, you can use pulp rpm repository modify to:

  • Add or remove individual content units from a repository by HREF.
  • Clone a repository version using base_version. This enables roll-back to a previous version.

Sample Setup

If you want to experiment with the operations on some sample data, run this setup so you can follow along. The output is based on this sample and only makes sense if the operations are followed in order.

pulp rpm repository create --name modify_test_repo
pulp rpm repository create --name fixture_repo
pulp rpm remote create --name fixture_remote --url
pulp rpm repository sync --repository fixture_repo --remote fixture_remote

Add content to Repository

  1. Set required variables:
    • REPONAME: The repository where you want to add
    • ADD_LIST: A json list with the package_href constructed like:
      [{"pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packages/018ea4c6-50f2-7895-aaf9-d1dde2b94c20/"}]
  2. Run the modify command
  3. Inspect the created Repository Version
# Set required variables
ADD_LIST=$(pulp rpm repository content list \
    --repository fixture_repo \
    --limit 5 | jq -r '[.[] | {pulp_href}]')
# Run the modify command
pulp rpm repository content modify \
    --repository "${REPONAME}" \
    --add-content "${ADD_LIST}"
# Inspect the Repository Version and its Contents
pulp rpm repository show --name modify_test_repo | jq '.latest_version_href'
pulp rpm repository content list --repository modify_test_repo | jq '.[].location_href'
# last repository version. Now its 1, previous was 0

# last repository version content

Remove content from a Repository

Removing a content means creating a new Repository Version that won't contain it anymore:

  1. Set required variables:
    • REPONAME: The repository where you want to delete from
    • REMOVE_LIST: A json list with the package_href constructed like:
      [{"pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packages/018ea4c6-50f2-7895-aaf9-d1dde2b94c20/"}]
  2. Run the modify command
  3. Inspect the created Repository Version
# Set required variables
REMOVE_LIST=$(pulp rpm repository content list \
    --repository modify_test_repo \
    --limit 2 | jq -r '[.[] | {pulp_href}]')

# Run the modify command
pulp rpm repository content modify \
    --repository "${REPONAME}" \
    --remove-content "${REMOVE_LIST}"

# Inspect the Repository Version and its Contents
pulp rpm repository show --name modify_test_repo | jq '.latest_version_href'
pulp rpm repository content list --repository modify_test_repo | jq '.[].location_href'
# last repository version. Now its 2, previous was 1

# last repository version content

Copy content from a Repository Version

This operation will create a new Repository Version in the current Repository based on a previous version (that belongs to the same Repository). It will contain the exact same contents as in the base_version, regardless of what content was previously present.

This can be combined with adding and removing content units in the same call.

  1. Sets required variables:
    • REPONAME: The repository to create a copy and get a base_version from.
    • REPOVERSION: The repository version number to roll-back to.
  2. Runs the modify command
  3. Inspects the created Repository Version
# Set required variables

# Run the modify command
pulp rpm repository content modify \
    --repository "${REPONAME}" \
    --base-version "${REPOVERSION}"

# Inspect the Repository Version and its Contents
pulp rpm repository show --name modify_test_repo | jq '.latest_version_href'
pulp rpm repository content list --repository modify_test_repo | jq '.[].location_href'
# last repository version. Now its 3, previous was 2

# last repository version content

Advanced copy workflow


The RPM copy API is a tech preview, while we hope it can remain stable, it may be subject to change in future releases.

RPM repositories have a large number of unique use cases for which the standard 'generic' Pulp repository modification API is insufficient, so a separate RPM-specific API is provided for more 'advanced' use cases.


Several types of RPM content, such as Advisories (Errata), Package Groups, and Modules depend on the existence of other content units to be "correct" or meaningful. For example:

  1. An Advisory (Errata) references RPM Packages and Modules that are needed to address a particular bug or security concern. In order for the Advisory to be useful, these RPM packages or Modules should be present in the same repository - otherwise when a client tries to install them it will not be able to fully apply the Advisory fix.
  2. A Package Group is a group of RPM packages. If the RPM packages that a Package Group contains are not present in the same repository, the Package Group is effectively "broken" and won't be possible to install correctly on a client system.
  3. A Module consists of many RPM packages (similar to a Package Group). If the module is added to a repository while the packages that its RPMs depend on are not, it may not be possible to install the module on a client system.
  4. A Module can depend on other modules. If those modules are not present in the RPM repo, the module will not be installable on a client system.
  5. RPM Packages typically depend on other RPM packages. If a lone RPM package is added to a repository without its dependencies, it will potentially not be installable on a client system.

The advanced copy API exists primarily to address these use cases.

In contrast to the repository modification API, when a copy is performed using the RPM copy API it is permitted to additionally copy content in the background which you, the user, did not explicitly tell it to copy. For example:

  • When copying an Advisory (Errata) from one repository to another, all of the RPM packages directly referenced by the Advisory will also be copied (however, see note below regarding "best effort" in copies).
  • When copying RPM packages from one repository to another, if dependency-resolution is enabled then all of the RPM packages that those packages depend on are also be copied.

The goal is to be as easy to use as possible, while allowing for a "best effort" at maintaining the "correctness" of the repository, as well as its dependencies if requested.


In all cases, copy engages in a "best effort" attempt to fulfill the requirement. This means that, in the event of the copy process being unable to find entities it believes are necessary for the copy operation, it will continue to execute the copy. This can happen for a variety of reasons (e.g., the source repositor(ies) don't contain all of the referenced/required content, or the copy-configuration is incomplete or otherwise incorrect). In these instances, missing entities are logged as WARNINGs - be sure to check the logs if the results of a copy are unexpected.

Dependency solving

When copying RPM packages, advisories, or modules between repositories, it is useful to ensure that all of the RPM dependencies they need to be "installable" on a client system are also present in the destination-repository.

For example: if you want to add the "hexchat" RPM to a new repository, and you want to be able to install it from that repository, the repository should also contain hexchat's dependencies such as "libnotify" and "gtk3".

This applies to all RPM concepts that "contain" RPMs, such as Advisories (Errata), Modules, and PackageGroups. With the RPM copy API, you are afforded the option to have all dependencies (and the dependencies of those dependencies) copied for you automatically, if they do not already exist in the destination repository. In Pulp 2, this feature was documented as "advanced copy"; the Pulp3 behavior matches the "recursive-conservative" option from Pulp2 (copies latest missing dependencies)

Solving these complex dependency relationships can be quite expensive, but is often necessary for correctness. It is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting the "dependency_solving" parameter to a value of False when making calls against the API. Note that if you do choose not to use dependency-solving, (or if you configure it incorrectly), it is possible to create incomplete repositories.


While the default value for the "dependency_solving" parameter is currently True, this default is potentially subject to change in the future - until such a time as this API is stabilized.

Dependency solving does have some restrictions to be aware of. The set of content contained by all repositories used in a copy operation must be "dependency closed", which is to say that no content in any repository may have a dependency which cannot be satisfied by any content present in any of the other repositories involved in the copy operation.

For example, in CentOS 8, there are two primary repositories which are called "BaseOS" and "AppStream". RPMs present in the "AppStream" repository frequently depend on RPMs which are not present in "AppStream", but are present in "BaseOS", instead.

In order to copy RPMs from a Pulp-clone of the "AppStream" repository, you must perform a "multi-repository copy" so that the dependencies can be properly resolved. Please see the recipe section below for more details on how to do this.


If a destination repository has a retain-packages policy set, it will take effect after the copy. Retain package policy is set by retain_package_versions option. When set, it identifies the maximum number of versions of each package to keep; as new versions of packages are added by upload, sync, or copy, older versions of the same packages are automatically removed. A value of 0 means "unlimited" and will keep all versions of each package.


These are examples of how the RPM copy API should be used. This code isn't intended to be runnable as-is, but rather as a template for how the calls should be constructed.

export BASE_NAME="test_advanced_copy"
# Create one remote
pulp rpm remote create --name "${BASE_NAME}" --url "" --policy on_demand
# Create 2 src and 2 dest repos
for pre in "src" "dst"; do
  for inst in {1..2}; do
    echo "${pre}/${inst}"
    pulp rpm repository create --name "${pre}_${BASE_NAME}_${inst}" --remote "${BASE_NAME}" --no-autopublish
# sync the src repos (only)
for inst in {1..2}; do
  echo "SYNC src_${BASE_NAME}_${inst}}"
  pulp rpm repository sync --repository "src_${BASE_NAME}_${inst}"
# Find and remember one RPM HREF and one Advisory HREF from src1
export rpm_href="$(pulp rpm content -t package list --name bear --version 4.1 --release 1 --field pulp_href | jq '.[0].pulp_href')"
echo "RPM ${rpm_href}"
export advisory_href="$(pulp rpm content -t advisory list --id RHEA-2012:0055 --field pulp_href | jq '.[0].pulp_href')"
echo "ADVISORY ${advisory_href}"

Full repository copy

Create a new repository version in a destination repository containing all content units which are present in the source repository-version. This essentially copies all content from the source version into the destination repository.

cat << EOF >  ./copy_test.json
    "source_repo_version": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "src_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.latest_version_href'),
    "dest_repo": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "dst_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.pulp_href')
pulp rpm copy --config @./copy_test.json
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/01903bb0-34a1-7c58-82a8-30626adeec74/",
  "pulp_created": "2024-06-21T16:45:21.953880Z",
  "pulp_last_updated": "2024-06-21T16:45:21.953892Z",
  "state": "completed",
  "name": "",
  "logging_cid": "4bfd43b974ed46a58c70bb1df73c125d",
  "created_by": "/pulp/api/v3/users/1/",
  "unblocked_at": "2024-06-21T16:45:21.972269Z",
  "started_at": "2024-06-21T16:45:22.026509Z",
  "finished_at": "2024-06-21T16:45:22.609179Z",
  "error": null,
  "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/01902cd4-50cc-79d3-bc8d-d4726981e072/",
  "parent_task": null,
  "child_tasks": [],
  "task_group": null,
  "progress_reports": [],
  "created_resources": [
  "reserved_resources_record": [

Specific-content copy

Create a new repository version in the destination repository containing the two content-units specified by href, which are present in the source-repository.

cat << EOF >  ./copy_test.json
   "source_repo_version": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "src_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.latest_version_href'),
   "dest_repo": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "dst_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.pulp_href'),
   "content": [${rpm_href}, ${advisory_href}]
pulp rpm copy --config @./copy_test.json
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/01903bb1-ac68-7110-ae36-0a6079c17df6/",
  "pulp_created": "2024-06-21T16:46:58.152804Z",
  "pulp_last_updated": "2024-06-21T16:46:58.152815Z",
  "state": "completed",
  "name": "",
  "logging_cid": "8ac95a20fc27489cba22ca32e041ff70",
  "created_by": "/pulp/api/v3/users/1/",
  "unblocked_at": "2024-06-21T16:46:58.182745Z",
  "started_at": "2024-06-21T16:46:58.233618Z",
  "finished_at": "2024-06-21T16:46:58.386792Z",
  "error": null,
  "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/01902cd4-53d3-705a-a316-c5d08dcebaaa/",
  "parent_task": null,
  "child_tasks": [],
  "task_group": null,
  "progress_reports": [],
  "created_resources": [],
  "reserved_resources_record": [

Specific-content to specific-destination-version copy

Create a new repository version in the destination repository containing the two content-units specified by href, which are present in the source repository version. Instead of adding them to the content present in the latest repository version present in destination repository, instead create a new version based upon specified version-number of the destination repository. These semantics are similar to how the base_version parameter is used in the repository modification API.

cat << EOF >  ./copy_test.json
    "source_repo_version": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "src_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.latest_version_href'),
    "dest_repo": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "dst_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.pulp_href'),
    "dest_base_version": 0,
    "content": [${rpm_href}, ${advisory_href}]
pulp rpm copy --config @./copy_test.json
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/01903bb2-f7dc-7697-b33e-5a2f66ab58e8/",
  "pulp_created": "2024-06-21T16:48:23.004932Z",
  "pulp_last_updated": "2024-06-21T16:48:23.004944Z",
  "state": "completed",
  "name": "",
  "logging_cid": "f13911c4153f47348ccdc1e3dfea98e7",
  "created_by": "/pulp/api/v3/users/1/",
  "unblocked_at": "2024-06-21T16:48:23.022271Z",
  "started_at": "2024-06-21T16:48:23.075167Z",
  "finished_at": "2024-06-21T16:48:23.235869Z",
  "error": null,
  "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/01902cd4-536f-7e31-aec9-059c55ba427c/",
  "parent_task": null,
  "child_tasks": [],
  "task_group": null,
  "progress_reports": [],
  "created_resources": [
  "reserved_resources_record": [

Copy content from src1 to dest1 including dependencies

Create a new repository version in the destination repository containing a specified content-unit, as well as all of its RPM-dependencies, taken from the source repository-version.

cat << EOF >  ./copy_test.json
    "source_repo_version": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "src_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.latest_version_href'),
    "dest_repo": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "dst_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.pulp_href'),
    "content": [${advisory_href}]
pulp rpm copy --config @./copy_test.json --dependency-solving
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/01903be8-1857-7cb8-a510-28096ede2771/",
  "pulp_created": "2024-06-21T17:46:24.727563Z",
  "pulp_last_updated": "2024-06-21T17:46:24.727574Z",
  "state": "completed",
  "name": "",
  "logging_cid": "a82707ece6d94ad48a9447569518df39",
  "created_by": "/pulp/api/v3/users/1/",
  "unblocked_at": "2024-06-21T17:46:24.743962Z",
  "started_at": "2024-06-21T17:46:24.798102Z",
  "finished_at": "2024-06-21T17:46:24.965390Z",
  "error": null,
  "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/01902cd4-54c2-7d48-a74c-df41802bc946/",
  "parent_task": null,
  "child_tasks": [],
  "task_group": null,
  "progress_reports": [],
  "created_resources": [],
  "reserved_resources_record": [

Multi-repository copy

"Multi-repository-copy", required when any of the repositories involved in the copy are not "dependency closed".

Each of the pairs of source and destination repositories will see the content units that were specified copied as normal. However when one of the content units has a dependency which is not present in the same repository, but is present in one of the other "source" repositories listed, it may be copied between the repos configured in that pair.

In the following example, if the specified RPM depends on a content unit which is only present in the second source repository-version and is not present in either the first or second destination repository, then it will be copied from the second source repository-version to the second destination repository, even though no content was specified to be copied between those repositories.

cat << EOF >  ./copy_test.json
    "source_repo_version": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "src_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.latest_version_href'),
    "dest_repo": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "dst_${BASE_NAME}_1" | jq '.pulp_href'),
    "content": [${rpm_href}, ${advisory_href}]
    "source_repo_version": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "src_${BASE_NAME}_2" | jq '.latest_version_href'),
    "dest_repo": $(pulp rpm repository show --name "dst_${BASE_NAME}_2" | jq '.pulp_href'),
    "content": []
pulp rpm copy --config @./copy_test.json --dependency-solving
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/tasks/01903be9-33e8-7b44-a43a-97b54dca3724/",
  "pulp_created": "2024-06-21T17:47:37.320871Z",
  "pulp_last_updated": "2024-06-21T17:47:37.320883Z",
  "state": "completed",
  "name": "",
  "logging_cid": "3b4553346d534751b37cc16aefed4975",
  "created_by": "/pulp/api/v3/users/1/",
  "unblocked_at": "2024-06-21T17:47:37.335849Z",
  "started_at": "2024-06-21T17:47:37.392426Z",
  "finished_at": "2024-06-21T17:47:37.656981Z",
  "error": null,
  "worker": "/pulp/api/v3/workers/01902cd4-5460-7186-ad57-c0eb34ddfe61/",
  "parent_task": null,
  "child_tasks": [],
  "task_group": null,
  "progress_reports": [],
  "created_resources": [],
  "reserved_resources_record": [