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Pulp Community Release 12

The Pulp team is proud to announce the availability of Community Release 12.


  • Repo Discovery feature added which includes new APIs to schedule repository discovery and check discovery status. Functionality added to the CLI as well through the pulp-admin repo discovery command.
  • Feed URLs for managing repositories have been changed to remove the type:url format. The feed type is inferred from the URL itself.
  • Legacy RHN support removed from Pulp.
  • Added support for text only errata.
  • Enhanced errata delete to check for references before allowing the delete to take place.
  • Package details enhanced to track more metadata.
  • Standardized date/time input and output to ISO8601 format
  • Server/Agent communications secured by a shared secret authorization scheme.
  • Over 30 Bugs resolved, accessible through bugzilla.

Upgrade Notes

  • Run pulp-migrate to upgrade to latest DB after upgrading the Pulp packages and before running the pulp-server script.

Build Versions

  • Pulp: 0.181
  • Grinder: 0.99
  • Gofer: 0.37

Where’s the Fedora 15 Support?

It’s coming. We were too far into QE by the Fedora 15 release and didn’t have the time to verify the build to our satisfaction. Starting with next week’s testing releases, builds should be available for Fedora 15 as well. Pulp’s policy is to support the current and current – 1 Fedora releases, so this Community Release is the last Pulp Fedora 13 builds that will be supported.