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Pulp Community Release 17

Pulp Community Release 17

Installation & Upgrade

Installation instructions can be found in the Pulp User Guide at the Pulp project web site.

As usual, upgraded environments must run pulp-migrate to upgrade to the latest database changes.


Pulp Exporter

  • Ability to export repository content (rpms, errata, packagegroups, distributions and custom metadata)
  • User facing API to invoke exports on a repository
  • CLI support to invoke exports via `pulp-admin repo export`
  • Ability to cancel on going exports on a repository


  • New fields added to distribution model – “Family”, “Variant” and “Version”

Cancel Clone

  • Ability to gracefully cancel a running clone using ‘pulp-admin repo cancel_clone’ command
  • Ability to snapshot and restart a running clone in case of server restart

Build Versions

  • Pulp: 0.237-4
  • Grinder: 0.119
  • Gofer: 0.50