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With Pulp 2.0 out, it’s time to start looking ahead to where we go from here. The release at the start of the year made for a clean break to align future releases against calendar quarters. The current state of the roadmap depicts the releases and rough feature alignment for the rest of this year.

And I do mean rough, especially once you get past the 2.2 release in July. We have our ideas on what we want to accomplish, but with our close ties to Red Hat projects, we have a number of outside influences that have the potential to keep most planning from being written in stone. That also means that things may be shuffled around due to community request. What I’m getting at is the expected disclaimer that everything on there is subject to change. As a particular release draws closer, the aligned features will stabilize, so this will very much be a living document.

The roadmap can be found here.

Release 2.0.7

While I’m talking releases, there will be a critical bug fix release to the 2.0 release in the next week or so. The list of bugs aligned to it can be found here.

Release 2.1.0

In addition to the features mentioned in the roadmap, the list of bugs aligned to the 2.1.0 release in early April can be found here.