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Pulp 2.9.2 Generally Available

The Pulp 2.9.2 is now available, and can be downloaded from the 2.9 stable repositories:

This release includes fixes to Pulp Platform and the RPM Plugin.

Issues Addressed

These critical issues are fixed in Pulp 2.9.2:


  • 1863 Exception using regex in filters against associate endpoint
  • 1894 unassociate rpms API request using unit_ids removes all rpm from repo
  • 1728 Please relax input validation on --login for 'pulp-admin user create'

RPM Support

  • 2135 Repo publish error Unclosed tags: endverbatim
  • 2093 errors importing some rpms after upgrading to pulp 2.9
  • 2077 publish fails if Django Template Syntax in changelog

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