Pulp Celerybeat and the Pulp 3.0 Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Last week during our sprint 9 demo I gave an update on the work I did on Pulp Celerybeat for Pulp 3.0. This post highlights those changes in written form.

Pulp 3.0 is a complete rewrite of Pulp. To accomplish the work in a reasonable amount of time, we put together a description of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for the Pulp 3.0.0 release. This MVP is a subset of the functionality offered with Pulp 2.y. Please have a look at the MVP and provide feedback based on your workflows and how the MVP affects you. It is possible that we have overlooked something critical to your usage of Pulp, so please send feedback to pulp-list@redhat.com.

Looking through the MVP description, there is no mention of users being able to schedule operations such as a sync or a publish. This is one of the features that is omitted from the initial 3.0.0 release. Users can continue to schedule tasks using other tools such as cron.