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Pulp 2.11.1 Generally Available

Pulp 2.11.1 is now Generally Available in the stable repositories:

This release includes bug fixes for the Pulp Platform, the Puppet plugin, and the RPM Plugin.

No blocking issues were reported during the 2.11.1 beta, so this release is unchanged from the 2.11.1 Beta 1 release.


The Pulp 2 stable repositories are included in the pulp repo files:

After enabling the pulp-2-stable repository, you'll want to follow the standard upgrade path with migrations:

$ sudo systemctl stop httpd pulp_workers pulp_resource_manager pulp_celerybeat pulp_streamer goferd
$ sudo yum upgrade
$ sudo -u apache pulp-manage-db
$ sudo systemctl start httpd pulp_workers pulp_resource_manager pulp_celerybeat pulp_streamer goferd

The pulp_streamer and goferd services should be omitted if those services are not installed.

Issues Addressed


  • 2439 No data available in publish step (OSError: [Errno 61] No data available)
  • 2483 pulp_rpm migration 0031 fails: cursor not found
  • 2491 When stopping pulp_workers, pulp_celerybeat, and pulp_resource_manager gracefully, the status API still shows them as running
  • 2464 pulp-admin broken in vagrant environment on 2.y
  • 1287 Repo sync failing with KeyError
  • 2006 iso importer fails without useful error message
  • 2136 publish step error handling incorrectly assumes open file
  • 2476 pulp publish fail when selinux is disabled
  • 2510 django logs warning when responding with 404

Puppet Support

  • 2500 ValueError exception is raised when uploading module with invalid name
  • 1981 unnecessary pulp error on puppet repo sync
  • 1853 pulp-puppet-module-builder should not overwrite existing module files

RPM Support

  • 2514 Creating a group no longer updates the existing group
  • 2365 rpm upload fails to populate "files" field on model
  • 2457 When syncing do not associate units that are already associated to the repo
  • 2096 Additional updateinfo.xml after second publish
  • 2466 Remove unnecessary deepcopy calls for sync

View this list in Redmine.

el6 Support Reminder

As mentioned in the 2.11.0 release notes, we are no longer supported el6 distributions after Pulp 2.11 (i.e. starting with 2.12).

See the release notes for more information: