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Vagrant has significantly lowered the barrier to starting on Pulp development. However, when I needed to reproduce an error that only occured when syncing a large repository, I discovered that the default size of the the virtual machine created from the Vagrantfile in the devel repository did not have a large enough disk to handle such a use case. The first step in resolving this problem was an update to my Vagrantfile specifying a larger disk size. Once I did that I discovered that the default location where libvirt stores disk images backing virtual machines did not have the amount of space I needed. However, my home directory did have the space. So I configured libvirt to use my home directory for storage. Below are the notes that I saved from that experience.

{% highlight bash %}

change user that libvirt runs as

vim /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

user = "dkliban" group= "dkliban"

update the default storage pool for libvirt

sudo virsh pool-edit default

Edit the xml in the editor that is opened by above command

Update the path, user, group, and label tags based on the example below

user and group 1000 are 'dkliban' on my machine

default 412c1740-7d48-427c-9ab7-4fcea6305670 192459673600 111755284480 80704389120 /home/dkliban/libvirtimages 0711 1000 1000

exit the editor and look output from the command. If validation passes, you should see a message saying the pool has been updated.

restart libvirtd

sudo systemctl restart libvirtd

At this point every time I start a virtual machine using libvirt, the disk image backing that machine will be stored in /home/dkliban/libvirtimages.