Sprint 21 Demo

This demo highlights Debian content support with 2.14, Pulp 3.0 updates, a community update, and a state of Pulp update.

State of Pulp (mhrivnak)

Community Update (bmbouter)

Debian Content Support for Pulp 2 (misa) (2.14)

Napoleon style docstrings (asmacdo) (3.0)

Docs building check for pull requests on github (bizhang)

Generate random SECRET_KEY for Django as part of setup workflow (bizhang) (3.0)

Asynchronous updates of importer (dkliban) (3.0)

File importer using the ChangeSet provided by the plugin API (jortel) (3.0)

Side by side Pulp2/Pulp3 dev installs (asmacdo)