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Test Day for 2.14 Beta

Test Day on August 8th, 2017

The Pulp Quality Engineering team invite you to join us for a public Test Day for the Pulp 2.14 Beta release on Tuesday, August 8th.

New features for version 2.14 include the ability to host Debian repositories.

Many people want to get involved in open source development but are not sure where to start.

Test days like this are a great way! You'll have the opportunity to learn about virtualization, bug reports, user stories, how to talk to a REST API, how to monitor logs, and so much more.

Join us and learn more about the tools, people, and methods that make open source happen, and meanwhile become a contributor yourself!

How you can contribute

Test day goers can contribute in many ways

  • Install and use pulp and provide us feedback on the usability of different features.
  • If you find something unclear in the docs, file and issue.
  • Make a PR to improve the docs and close your own issue!
  • Read the user stories for the features added in 2.14 and verify that their changes provide the described functionality. Post a comment on the user story showing how you confirmed it.
  • Recreate conditions that used to generate bugs and verify that they are longer present.
  • Validate the existence of outstanding bugs! Post on the issue with details about your system.
  • Run or create automated tests with pulp-smash.
  • Learn how to to talk directly to pulp's API and test it that way.

The quality engineering team will be hanging out on #pulp on freenode all day to help you set up pulp, decide what to test, and how to report your results to our issue tracker and get involved in pulp! The more people, at all skill levels, that join our community, the more robust our project becomes.

How to Join

Find out how to join in on the Test Day Wiki on pulp's issue tracker.