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Pulp 3.0 Core Beta on 25-Apr-2018

We have been busy working on the Pulp 3.0 Core Beta, the next step in our roadmap to a Pulp 3 GA.

One of the Pulp 3 key objectives was to provide a true plugin API. Since the September 2017 Pulp 3 Plugin API Alpha release, we have appreciated the active reception and valuable feedback. The feedback we have received from the community has been key in validating and informing some design decisions shaping the Pulp core functionality.

We are working toward completing this core functionality and are excited to announce our plans for the Pulp 3.0 Core Beta deliverable. This email describes the value proposition for Pulp 3.0 Core Beta, the feature set of the deliverable, and when it will be delivered. We invite to you review this milestone and provide feedback.

Value - What will this do for me?

Pulp 3.0 Core Beta will provide all major functionality required by most users and a Plugin API to allow power users and plugin writers to start planning the impact of moving to Pulp 3.0 from Pulp 2.0 including writing plugins.

What is it?

We have loosely discussed and described most of the functionality in the MVP. The Pulp 3.0 Core Beta will also commit to delivery of a few more items of interest to our community that are described below.

Highlights of the Pulp 3.0 Core Beta


  • Relational Database: Compatible with PostgreSQL and SQLite
  • Scalable workers safely running concurrent tasks
  • Compatible with Qpid Proton and RabbitMQ
  • Web servers: Compatible with Apache, Nginx, and Django development server
  • Installation via PyPI, source, or RPM


  • Fetch (sync) content from external sources
  • Upload content
  • Versioned Repositories
  • Fast Promotion and Rollback

Plugin API

  • Semantically versioned
  • Provides utilities:
  • Concurrent downloads
  • Safely adding/removing units to repository versions and publications
  • Tasking integration
  • Filesystem management


  • Conceptual overview
  • Plugin Writer Docs
  • REST API documentation

The Pulp 3.0 core beta will be released alongside plugin betas:

  • pulp_file
  • pulp_ansible
  • pulp_python

Roadmaps for Pulp 3.0 beta compatible plugins:

  • RPM
  • Docker
  • OSTree

The Pulp 3.0 Core Beta will be available Wednesday April 25, 2018.