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Pulp 3 Moving to RQ for Tasking

Pulp adopted the multi-processing tasking system in Pulp 2.4. Since then, users have benefited from the throughput and availability it provides, but core developers regularly receive bug reports with symptoms like:

  • Pulp stops processing tasks entirely
  • A single task never starts

Ensuring the reliability of Pulp's tasking system and therefore Pulp itself is a paramount concern. After careful consideration, the maintainers of Pulp's tasking system believe the best way to resolve these reliability issues is by porting the Pulp 3.0 tasking system from using Celery to using RQ.

This change will be made on May 15, 2018, and will be released with pulpcore Beta 4 on May 16, 2018.

Pulp 2.y is being left as-is because the change is backwards incompatible, so we can't introduce them due to Semantic Versioning.

This post is divided into three sections: Reasoning, User Changes, Plugin Writer Changes


Four primary reasons stood out motivating this decision.

  1. Users are experiencing task-halting issues which users and developers alike cannot reproduce. We have resolved some of these, but there are some that are unresolved. New ones are reported periodically, so there is no end in sight.

  2. The more time core developers spend fixing Celery, the less time we are improving Pulp and its plugins.

  3. It's epically complicated for little benefit. The code of Celery itself is spread across Celery, Kombu, pyamqp, billiard, qpid.messaging, and other libraries. With RQ it's just a lot simpler.

  4. RQ fulfills 100% of the feature needs of Pulp with no gaps.

More discussion that went into this decision can be found in the "Port Pulp3 to use RQ" thread on the pulp-dev mailing list archives for March, April, and May.

User Changes

Redis replaces RabbitMQ/Qpid

RQ uses Redis as its backend, so with this change, Redis replaces RabbitMQ or Qpid in the Pulp architecture.

Run workers differently

With Celery you would run workers with:

$ /path/to/python/bin/celery worker -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery -n resource_manager@%%h -Q resource_manager -c 1 --events --umask 18
$ /path/to/python/bin/celery worker -A pulpcore.tasking.celery_app:celery -n reserved_resource_worker-1@%%h -Q reserved_resource_worker-1 -c  --events --umask 18

With RQ, you'll run those same works with this instead:

rq worker -n 'resource_manager@%h' -w 'pulpcore.tasking.worker.PulpWorker'
rq worker -n 'reserved_resource_worker_1@%h' -w 'pulpcore.tasking.worker.PulpWorker'

You'll want to update your process launcher scripts, e.g. systemd scripts to use these new worker commands instead.


Anywhere the worker is run, it explicitly needs the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set. For example something like this in your environment or process launcher (e.g. systemd) definition:


Error handling differences

RQ workers exit when Redis is not available either on startup of a worker or if there is an existing connection. This is a behavioral difference from Celery. It is recommended that your process launcher, e.g. systemd be configured to wait-and-retry to restart the service if you want your RQ workers to automatically recover and reconnect when Redis has an availability issue.

TLS and Authentication

If you are using TLS or authentication with RabbitMQ/Qpid, you'll need to port that to Redis using the Redis documentation. Pulp's settings.yaml file also contains Redis configuration settings to set.

Plugin Writer Changes

Dispatching Tasks

With Celery plugin writers would dispatch tasks using the apply_async_with_reservation() method on the task object itself. It returns a celery.result.AsyncResult.

import mytask
result = mytask.apply_async_with_reservation([reservations], args=(...), kwargs={...})
# result is a celery.result.AsyncResult instance tracking the task dispatched to the tasking system

With RQ, plugin writers dispatch tasks using the enqueue_with_reservation function provided by pulpcore.tasking.tasks. This takes any Python function as its first argument, with all subsequent arguments being similar to before. Here is an equivalent example:

from pulpcore.tasking.tasks import enqueue_with_reservation
import mytask
result = enqueue_with_reservation(mytask, [reservations], args=(...), kwargs={...})
# result is a rq.job.Job instance tracking the task dispatched to the tasking system

Defining Tasks

With Celery you have to decorate or subclass their objects to formally define something as a Task. When used with Pulp, this was done using the @shared_task(base=UserFacingTask) as follows:

def mytask(arg1, arg2):
    # task code here

With RQ you don't have to indicate it's a task at all and it will behave the same. Here is the equivalent example:

def mytask(arg1, arg2):
    # task code here

Travis Changes

You'll need to make a few changes to Travis like these:

  • Use redis-server not rabbitmq
  • Explicitly set export before starting the workers
  • Update the workers to use the new command

NOTE: that we are waiting on an upstream release of RQ containing a necessary patch. In the meantime manually install RQ before pulpcore is installed in Travis using:

pip install git+


See the pulp_file changes used to port pulp_file to be compatible with RQ. It contains an example of all necessary plugin changes.

Questions or feedback

Reach out via pulp-list or pulp-dev email lists, via @pulpproj on Twitter, or via #pulp or #pulp-dev on Freenode.