Ina Panova -- Pulp Community Co-Lead

I'd like to welcome Ina Panova as the Pulp community co-lead. Ina has been a core developer on Pulp since Oct 2014, and contributed heavily to the Docker and RPM plugins. Over the last year or so, Ina has gotten more active in supporting the Pulp community in ways other than code including:

  • Organizing and supporting Pulp events in Europe including conferences

  • Acting as an advocate for the resolution of community issues

  • Leading the logo, branding, and tagline revisions

  • Inviting blog post content from community members

Community leads of open source projects work to ensure a healthy, diverse community in support of a common goal of great software for its users. This comes in a variety of forms including:

  • Working with existing and new contributors to help them find a path to contribution

  • Interpreting and responding to Code of Conduct requests

I have been the Pulp community lead for the past 2 years, and I am so excited to share the role with Ina going forward. As co-leads, together we will have more capacity to serve the Pulp community with.

If there is some way we can help support your contribution to the Pulp community, please reach out via irc or email. IRC nicks are: ipanova, bmbouter