Pulp at AnsibleFest

Pulp will be running a booth at AnsibleFest (Oct 2-3) this year in Austin. We'll be talking about the pulp_ansible plugin that we released earlier this year as well as how organizations can store and manage their Ansible content on-site. As Pulp engineers, we're big fans of Ansible and we use it to power our installer, dev environment, etc. We're hoping to become an integral part of the Ansible community (more on this later!) so plan to see us at more Ansible events.

To coincide with AnsibleFest, we're releasing a second RC for pulp_ansible (0.1.0rc2). We've optimized the publishing workflow so that users no longer have to create a publisher. Instead they can just create a publication right after syncing. For more information on this, check out the publishing section of the pulp_ansible README.

So if you're in Austin, TX for AnsibleFest, stop by our Pulp booth. We'd love to meet you and we'll be passing out stickers and flyers.