Pulp 3 Core RC Release

Today we are excited to announce an important milestone of the Pulp 3 project, the release of pulpcore 3.0.0rc1 and pulpcore-plugin 0.1.0rc1. These packages constitute the core of Pulp 3 and its plugin API. Both are now available on PyPI.

In the coming days, we expect plugins to announce releases that are compatible with this new RC release of pulpcore. Please check the pulp mailing list for these releases. To plugin writers, we suggest requiring version ~=0.1rc1 of pulpcore-plugin.

We also hope to improve documentation over the course of the RC. If you want to install Pulp 3, check our installation docs.

For more information about the RC release and what it entails, visit our previous blog post.

To view the features included in this release, please visit our tracker.

As always, if you find a bug, please report it on our issue tracker. For general feedback or questions reach out to our mailing list or irc channel.