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Pulp 3.0 Release Update

As announced in an earlier blogpost Pulp 3.0 is scheduled to be frozen on Nov 12th and Generally Available on Dec 3rd, 2019. Here are details on how we'll be building and curating releases for Pulp 3, including 3.0.0 and other releases like 3.0.1, 3.0.2, ..., 3.1.0, 3.1.1, etc.


  • release: is a x.y.z number. It's specific because it always includes the "z"
  • y-release: is a release where the z portion equals 0, e.g. 3.0.0, 3.1.0, 3.2.0, etc.
  • z-release: is a release where the z portion is not 0, e.g. 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1.1, etc.
  • z-stream: The set of z releases following a specific y-release.

Release Lead

Each 3.y release will have a release lead who performs the cherry picking of fixes to be included in the 3.y.z releases. Brian Bouterse will be the release lead for pulpcore for the 3.0, which includes releases 3.0.0, 3.0.1, and any other 3.0 z-stream releases. For 3.1 and its z-stream, another release lead will be identified.

Each plugin team is encouraged to have a release lead who performs similar functions for that plugin's y-release.


When 3.0 is frozen (or any y-release), it will be branched from the master branch. The branch name will be the y-release name, e.g. 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, etc. All changes merge to the master first, so the y-release branch includes all merged changes.

Cherry Picking

The z-stream is curated by cherry picking changes from the master branch to the y-release branch, e.g. 3.0. The release lead performs the cherry picking as needed and with input from developers and users.

Tagging a Release

When a release is ready, it is tagged as the x.y.z version number. For the 3.0 y-release this will be 3.0.0. This tagging is expected on Dec 3rd. Once tagged Travis tests things one final time before pushing the bits to PyPI and the bindings to PyPI and

What changed in release 3.y.z?

While the git-history is the ultimate source of truth, it's too large and has too much change to easily see the meaningful changes that occurred in a release. As such, the changelog for the release is the recommended way to see what changed in a specific release.

The changelog is formally generated as part of the tagging process and will be available in the documentation for that release. To see the changelog before it's generated browse the CHANGES folder at the root of the repo, which is where changelog snippets are stored. You could also generate the changelog locally using towncrier --draft in a local checkout of the repository.

Changelog entries are provided by developers along with their changes, so the cherry picking process will maintain the changelog.

What about

All changelog entries require an associated issue, and each generated changelog line links to its issue. Users can read these issues for more detailed information on the change.

The commits themselves are also associated with the issue as "associated commits". This serves various downstream users who want to perform their own cherry picking in their source tree. For this reason it's recommended that all commit changes are associated with a single issue, even in the case of a followup adjustment pre-release.

Issues will remain at MODIFIED as long as they are unreleased. Once released, either in a y-release or z-release, whichever contains that fix and occurs first, the release lead will move the issue to CLOSED - CURRENT RELEASE.