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Pulp Community Update (July 2020)

If you have any questions or updates you would like to share, write to us at

2020 Community Survey

If you are a Pulp user, please complete the annual community survey so that the Pulp team can better understand how the community is using Pulp, what the community needs, and would like to see.

Managing Pulp with Ansible - Pulp Squeezer

Pulp Squeezer, formerly known as Pulp Ansible Modules, is a collection of Ansible modules that you can use to manage Pulp. This month, versions 0.0.1 and a follow up 0.0.2 have been released.

Check out Pulp Squeezer on Ansible Galaxy.

Pulp 3 at the Foreman Birthday Party

As part of the Foreman's 11th Birthday Party celebrations, Justin Sherrill spoke about the performance improvements Katello will enjoy by migrating from Pulp 2 to Pulp 3.

Pulpcore 3.5 is available

As well as a number of bug fixes, this release contains major updates to the Pulp installer to achieve Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). With this release, there is one role per service, which means that you can install each service on an individual server. Because of the scale of these changes, this release introduces some breaking changes. As part of the upgrade, you must also update existing playbooks. For more information, see Pulp Installer 3.5 new roles and new deployment scenarios

The following features have been added to the REST API:

  • By default, Pulp now provides a user agent with all aiohttp requests to identify itself.
  • A start_versions= has been added so export a specific set of repository versions. For more information, see Exporting Incrementally in the Pulp documentation.
  • GroupProgressReport has been added to track the progress of each task in that group. For more information, see GroupProgressReport can in the Tasks concept section of the Plugin Writers Guide

The following features have been added to the Plugin API:

  • OpenAPI Tags have been added to group operations into logical categories. You can also customize tags. For more information. see OpenAPI Tags
  • GroupProgressReport has been added to track the progress of each task in that group. For more information, see GroupProgressReport can in the Tasks concept section of the Plugin Writers Guide
  • SingleContentArtifactField and PulpTemporaryUploadedFile have been exported to the Plugin API

For information about installing or updating to Pulpcore 3.5, see the full announcement.

Pulp 2.21.3 is available

For more information about the issues addressed see the release announcement.

Pulp 2 is in maintenance mode. Start planning your migration to Pulp 3 today!

Content Plugin Releases

Pulp RPM 3.5 is available

After a 3.4.2 bug-fix-focussed release earlier this month, the Pulp RPM team has released a feature-packed Pulp RPM 3.5 plugin. As well as a number of bug fixes, this release provides the following features:

  • A new retention policy feature that you can use to specify the latest N versions of each package that you want to keep while purging older versions
  • Support for comparing packages by epoch, version, release (EVR)
  • Support for synchronizing from a mirror list feed
  • The comps file types PackageCategory, PackageEnvironment, and PackageGroup can copy their children
  • Support for synchronizing SUSE enterprise repositories with an authentication token

For more information, see the changelog and release announcement.

Pulp File 1.1.0 is available

This bug fix release has added the requirements.txt file to the Pulp File 1.1.0 package that was not included in the Pulp File 1.0.0 package.

For more information, see the changelog and the release announcement.

Pulp Container 1.4.2 is available

The Pulp Container team has produced a bug fix release of 1.4 that improves performance synchronization. For more information, see the changelog and the release announcement.

Content Plugin Beta Releases

Pulp Debian 2.5.0 Beta 1 is available

This release includes adding more metadata fields to published Release files, as well as some bug fixes.

For more information see the changelog and the release announcement.

Pulp Ansible Plugin 0.2.0 Beta 15 is available

This release provides the ability to enable token authentication for synchronizing Ansible Collections.

For more information, see the changelog and the release announcement.

Pulp Container 2.0.0 Beta 3 is available

This beta update contains a number of bug fixes as well as the following features:

  • Schema conversion, which was available in Container plugin 1.4, is now available in this beta release. This feature works with both the local filesystem and S3 storage backends.
  • A new repository type ContainerPushRepository has been added to support writable container registries. ContentRedirectContentGuard has been added to facilitate authentication.
  • Push access has been restricted to an admin user.

For more information, see the changelog and release announcement.

Pulp Certguard 1.0.0 is available

The Certguard plugin provides a X.509 capable ContentGuard that requires clients to submit a certificate proving their entitlement to content before receiving content from Pulp.

For more information, see Certguard plugin

Pulp 3 Concurrency Testing

Syncing content into Pulp 3 is a time-consuming process. Grant Gainey conducted some evaluations of sync-performance at various concurrency settings. Read more in his blog.

Work in Progress

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Proof of Concept is ready for review and feedback.

Brian Bouterse hosted an open meeting where he gave an overview of the RBAC Proof of Concept:

Import Export Keys

Grant Gainey hosted an open meeting where he outlined the issues around Pulp 3 import/export handling of entities without a ‘natural’ key. You can find the document that was discussed here

If you have any feedback, submissions, or comments on anything discussed here, feel free to write to us at