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Pulp Community Update (Dec-Jan 2021)

If you have any questions or updates you would like to share, we would be delighted to hear from you at


FOSDEM 2021 takes place over Feb 6th and 7th. There will be three Pulp-related talks in the Infra Management devroom that you can watch from the comfort of your home:

There will be time after the talks for discussion, so please join us and ask any questions you might have.

Throughout the conference, Pulp will have a presence in the FOSDEM stands area. There is also a Matrix chatroom where some of us will hang out for the day. Come by and talk to us!

Pulp @

Pulp will also have a presence at DevConf.CZ 2021:

We will also have a stand presence with some information about Pulp. So do join us there too!

Pulp 3 CLI beta releases

Progress continues on the Pulp 3 CLI. Currently, the CLI supports Pulpcore and pulp_file; it also provides some basic support for pulp_ansible, pulp_container, and pulp_rpm.

The 0.2.0 release also features a repository modify command, and the ability to call --help without having to connect to a server.

If you're interested in evaluating the Pulp 3 CLI, you can find instructions here. If you do try the CLI and provide feedback, as a thank you, we can ship you some SWAG. You are also welcome to submit PRs for new CLI commands if there are commands that would improve your Pulp workflows.

Pulp Container Image Update

The Fedora 31 Pulp container image will be updated to a CentOS 8 based single container. The Fedora image will be removed on Feb 5th, and instructions for the Centos 8 image will be added shortly.

Pulp 3.9

In December, Pulpcore 3.9 was released. Work is well in progress for 3.10, and should be with us in early February.

Here's an overview of some of the main features of Pulpcore 3.9:

  • Chunked uploads are now stored separately in the default storage. With this change, all nodes can now access these chunks in shared storage.
  • Progress reporting has been added for Pulp imports.
  • The aiohttp.ClientTimeout fields in Remote, such as connect_timeout, sock_connect_timeout, sock_read_timeout, and total_timeout are no longer hard-coded and can be set to suit your requirements.
  • Added support for repairing Pulp by detecting and redownloading missing or corrupted artifact files.
  • Users can add checksums to ALLOWED_CONTENT_CHECKSUMS by allowing them to populate checksums with the handle-artifact-checksums command.

In tech preview in Pulpcore 3.9:

  • Debugging has been made easier with a correlation id that can either be autogenerated or passed in with a Correlation-ID header.

For a full list of features and bug fixes, check out the changelog.

The 3.9.1 release contained a fix for a bug that was encountered by users that set a custom CHUNKED_UPLOAD_DIR setting. The value for this setting must now be a relative path inside MEDIA_ROOT.

Pulp Certguard and Pulp File compatibility releases were made for Pulpcore 3.9 and 3.10.

Pulp Python 3.0.0

The long-awaited update to the Pulp Python plugin is now generally available. This release adds substantial enhancements to managing your Python content in Pulp. Over twelve beta releases, functionality was added so you can mirror the whole of PyPI in just under one hour, as well as the ability to upload your own Python content, among many other changes. To get started and learn more about the Pulp Python workflows, see the Pulp Python documentation.

Pulp 2-to-3 Migration 0.6.0

Pulp 2 will sunset in 2022. If you haven't started planning your migration yet, there's never been a better time.

In this release, there is a tech preview available for migrating Debian packages. As well as this, this release adds a reset endpoint. If you want, you can now start a migration from scratch. You can also skip corrupted or missing Pulp 2 content.

If you're interested in learning more about migrating to Pulp 3, take a look at the migration documentation.

Pulp Container 2.2.0

As well as a number of bug fixes, this release adds the ability to define namespaces for container group repositories and distributions. Uploaded chunked files are now stored in shared storage rather than /var/lib/pulp,.

This release is compatible with Pulpcore 3.9 and the future release 3.10.

For more information about Pulp Container and its workflows, see the Pulp Container documentation.

Pulp Debian 2.8 & 2.9

Some APT repositories store their release files in the repository root. The main feature of this release adds the capability to synchronize repositories using this alternative repository format.

For a full look at this release, check out the changelog.

Pulp Debian 2.9 was released purely to update Pulpcore compatibility for future releases of Pulpcore.

Pulp Ansible 0.6.0

Pulp Ansible users can now filter Ansible Collections by name and namespaces on a Collections V3 endpoint. The 0.6.1 release contained some small bug fixes. For more information, see Changelog.

Pulp 2.21.5

Pulp 2.21.5 is now available. However, Pulp 2 entered maintenance mode, so please consider planning your migration.