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Pulp 3.13 is now Generally Available

As well as a myriad of bugfixes and documentation improvements, this release contains some notable new features and enhancements. Let's take a look at the headline items of this release.

Control how many repo versions you retain #8368

Repository versioning was one of the main features introduced with Pulp 3. Every time you add or remove content from a repository, a new version is created. While this feature has its advantages, you might want to set some constraints to reduce the cleanup and maintenance job of retaining a large volume of repository versions in your database.

With this release, you can now set limits to the number of repository versions you retain. You can apply this on a per-repository basis, so that you can still retain as many versions of one repository while constraining the number of versions that are kept for another.

Here is a demo of how you can specify the number of versions to retain. This demo uses our lovely new Pulp 3 CLI!

New repository version and publication endpoints #4832

Two new endpoints (/api/v3/repository_versions/ and /api/v3/publications/) have been added to allow you to view repository versions and publications across plugins. These endpoints also have content filters to help identify whether content belongs to a repository version or a publication. These endpoints and filters can help to provide clarity so that if you need to delete a content unit, you can be precise.

Enhanced repoversion messaging #6068

When you go to list repository versions, the repository field itself is also returned in the response. This makes it clearer to which repository a repository version belongs.

Updates to the signing service workflow #8609

The signing service workflow has been updated to account for the new add-signing-service argument that has been added for the pulpcore-manager command. You can use this argument to add a signing service.

You can view the updated workflow.

Updates to pulpcore-worker #8721

There are ongoing efforts to improve the tasking system so that it is specific to Pulp but agnostic to the queuing technology. With this release workers should no longer be started through rq but by the native command pulpcore-worker. This affects users who do manual installations of Pulp 3. For more specific instructions, see the updated documentation.

For a full list of bug fixes and changes, see the changlog.

For any questions, feel free to write to us on