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Supported Workflows


This file is probably outdated by the time of reading it.

pulp-cli is still in beta, so the features and workflows listed here are subject to change. pulp-cli is tested against the five most-recent pulpcore releases as of the date of the pulp-cli release. It comes with support for five Pulp plugins: pulp_ansible, pulp_container, pulp_file, pulp_python and pulp_rpm. Some of Pulp's other plugins can be added to the CLI through CLI plugins, check out CLI plugins for more information.

While pulp-cli currently continues to work against older versions of pulpcore, we're unlikely to take bug-reports for support of such older versions.

(NOTE: pulp-cli does not (yet) expose all functionality provided by the REST API of pulpcore and enabled plugins. RFEs and pull-requests for missing features gratefully and cheerfully accepted!)


Pulpcore commands require a minimum version of 3.11. Not every command is supported for all pulpcore versions. Run pulp status to check your connection to Pulp and see currently installed plugins.


The CLI currently supports the following workflows:


The CLI currently supports the following operations on these pulpcore objects (C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete, P = RBAC Permissions):

  • Access Policies - RU
  • Artifacts - CR
  • Redirect/RBAC Content Guards - CRUDP, Assign, Remove
  • Exports Pulp - CRD
  • Groups - CRUDP, Add Users, Remove Users
  • Roles - CRUDP
  • Signing Services - R
  • Tasks - RDP, Cancel
  • Users - CRUDP


Ansible commands require minimum version of 0.7.0. The commands can be found under the ansible subgroup.


The CLI currently supports the following workflows:


The CLI currently supports the following operations on these pulp_ansible objects (C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete):

  • Role/Collection Version/Signature Content - CR
  • Ansible Distributions - CRUD
  • Role/Collection Version Remotes - CRUD
  • Ansible Repositories - CRUD, Modify, Sync, Sign


Container commands require pulp_container minimum version of 2.3.0. The commands can be found under the container subgroup.


The CLI currently supports the following workflows:


The CLI currently supports the following operations on these pulp_container objects (C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete, P = RBAC Permissions):

  • Blob/Manifest/Tag Content - R
  • Container Namespaces - CRDP
  • Container Distributions - CRUDP
  • Container Remotes - CRUDP
  • Container Repositories - CRUDP, Sync, Tag/Untag, Add/Remove Image
  • Push Repositories - RP, Tag/Untag, Remove Image


File commands require pulp_file minimum version of 1.6.0. The commands can be found under the file subgroup.


The CLI currently supports the following workflows:


The CLI currently supports the following operations on these pulp_file objects (C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete, P = RBAC Permissions):

  • File Alternative Content Sources - CRUDP, Add, Remove, Refresh
  • File Content - CR
  • File Distributions - CRUDP
  • File Publications - CRDP
  • File Remotes - CRUDP
  • File Repositories - CRUDP, Modify, Sync


Python commands require pulp_python minimum version of 3.1.0. The commands can be found under the python subgroup.


The CLI currently supports the following workflows:


The CLI currently supports the following operations on these pulp_python objects (C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete):

  • Python Package Content - CR
  • Python Distributions - CRUD
  • Python Publications - CRD
  • Python Remotes - CRUD
  • Python Repositories - CRUD, Modify, Sync


Python commands require pulp_rpm minimum version of 3.9.0. The commands can be found under the rpm subgroup.


The CLI currently supports the following workflows:


The CLI currently supports the following operations on these pulp_rpm objects (C = Create, R = Read, U = Update, D = Delete):

  • RPM Alternative Content Sources - CRUD, Add, Remove, Refresh
  • RPM Package/Advisory/ModuleMD Defaults/ModuleMD Content - CR
  • RPM Distribution Tree/Repo Metadata Content - R
  • RPM Distributions - CRUD
  • RPM Publications - CRD
  • RPM/ULN Remote - CRUD
  • RPM Repository - CRUD, Modify, Sync