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Role Base Access Control in Pulp Python

Role based access control in Pulp Python is configured using access policies for the following viewset_names:

  • content/python/packages
  • distributions/python/pypi
  • publications/python/pypi
  • remotes/python/python
  • repositories/python/python
  • repositories/python/python/versions
  • pypi/root
  • pypi/simple
  • pypi/pypi
  • pypi/legacy

This document will focus on describing the default access policies for the PyPI specific APIs and how they may be customized. The access policies for the Pulp APIs follow the same scheme as the Pulp File plugin which can be read about here: Pulp File RBAC. Use the Pulp CLI to follow along with the examples here.


This feature is currently in tech preview and is subject to change in future releases.

Default Index Behavior

By default, the read APIs of the index are accessible to any user, authenticated or not, while the upload APIs require permission to modify the backing repository.

"statements": [
        "action": ["list", "retrieve"],
        "principal": "*",
        "effect": "allow",
        "action": ["create"],
        "principal": "authenticated",
        "effect": "allow",
        "condition": "index_has_repo_perm:python.modify_pythonrepository",

The root and pypi endpoints are solely read APIs while the legacy endpoint is solely an upload API. The simple endpoint is both a read and upload API and thus has two actions in its access policy. The defaults on these endpoints match the default behavior found on public repositories like PyPI and ensure the maximum compatibility with Python tooling.

Also by default, the download links for the Python packages in the index are accessible by anyone. If you wish to protect who can download Python content then do so by adding a content guard to your distribution.

pulp python distribution update --name foo --content-guard $CONTENT_GUARD_HREF_OR_NAME

Example pulp-cli workflow to add RBAC-based access to download from the index:

pulp content-guard rbac create --name foo-guard
pulp content-guard rbac assign --name foo-guard --user user1 --user user2 --group group1 --group group2
CG_HREF=$(pulp content-guard rbac list --name foo-guard | jq -r ".[0].pulp_href")
pulp python distribution update --name foo --content-guard $CG_HREF

Links for using basic auth with various python package tools to pass the new RBACContentGuard: - pip - poetry - pipenv - pdm


The PyPI access policies do not support creation_hooks or queryset_scoping.

Index Specific Access Conditions

Pulp Python comes with two specific access condition methods that can be used in the PyPI access policies.


This access condition checks if the user has the supplied permission on the index's backing repository. If the index has no repository this will return True. If no permission is specified for the method then it will use python.view_pythonrepository as its default. This is the default condition that is used for the upload APIs with the modify python repository permission.


This access condition checks if the user has the supplied permission on the index (distribution) itself. If no permission is specified for the method then it will use python.view_pythondistribution as its default.


Both access condition methods are compatible with the Pulp Domains feature.