Post and Delete Content¶
RPM Content (packages, advisories, modulemds, etc) can be submitted to a Pulp Repository individually.
Post Content¶
Package Example¶
Package upload requires a valid RPM package.
# Get or create a repository
pulp rpm repository create --name testrepo
# Get a package
# Upload package to the repo
PACKAGE_HREF=$(pulp rpm content -t package upload \
--file "${PACKAGE}" \
--repository "${REPOSITORY}" \
| jq -r '.content_summary.added."rpm.package".href')
# Inspect the package
pulp show --href "${PACKAGE_HREF}"
"pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/packages/018e9b3a-78c8-7cce-aa9a-034e92ae2e93/",
"pulp_created": "2024-04-01T19:54:44.297487Z",
"pulp_last_updated": "2024-04-01T19:54:44.297497Z",
"md5": "95281cf165536b930d428e06c9072ecc",
"sha1": "7a1c48b1ed69992c6ca3f20853f46ec88e8de146",
"sha224": "2c96cdb234d4ace0f95d0d4dcab5c6dbc009f886ad021fb223768dd1",
"sha256": "ceb0f0bb58be244393cc565e8ee5ef0ad36884d8ba8eec74542ff47d299a34c1",
"sha384": "444b2be8b1e91f851acced29c00ccc3984106f3f8429c2c6d79d0166bf3fe0ce82942e761f861b52f9d32b8766ac9b01",
"sha512": "67434c4e7697908572e65007590317dc7e541dc63be68b330b5fdcddf1127ad525487ee4cca41f218a6810c7a936d5da1847e840f751b5b22f3f1a03f4e25a12",
"artifact": "/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/018e9b3a-785f-7b12-b7c5-cb966c1efcd0/",
"name": "bear",
"epoch": "0",
"version": "4.1",
"release": "1",
"arch": "noarch",
"pkgId": "ceb0f0bb58be244393cc565e8ee5ef0ad36884d8ba8eec74542ff47d299a34c1",
"checksum_type": "sha256",
"summary": "A dummy package of bear",
"description": "A dummy package of bear",
"url": "",
"changelogs": [],
"files": [
"requires": [],
"provides": [
"conflicts": [],
"obsoletes": [],
"suggests": [],
"enhances": [],
"recommends": [],
"supplements": [],
"location_base": "",
"location_href": "bear-4.1-1.noarch.rpm",
"rpm_buildhost": "smqe-ws15",
"rpm_group": "Internet/Applications",
"rpm_license": "GPLv2",
"rpm_packager": "",
"rpm_sourcerpm": "bear-4.1-1.src.rpm",
"rpm_vendor": "",
"rpm_header_start": 280,
"rpm_header_end": 1697,
"is_modular": false,
"size_archive": 296,
"size_installed": 42,
"size_package": 1846,
"time_build": 1331831374,
"time_file": 1712001284
Advisory Example¶
Advisory upload requires a file or an artifact containing advisory information in the JSON format.
# Get advisory
echo '{
"updated": "2014-09-28 00:00:00",
"issued": "2014-09-24 00:00:00",
}' > advisory.json
# Upload advisory
ADVISORY_HREF=$(pulp rpm content -t advisory \
upload --file "${ADVISORY}" | jq -r '.pulp_href')
# Inspect advisory
pulp show --href "${ADVISORY_HREF}"
"pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/content/rpm/advisories/018e9aec-f864-73a1-9e0b-22fc0288be75/",
"pulp_created": "2024-04-01T18:30:05.157638Z",
"pulp_last_updated": "2024-04-01T18:30:05.163938Z",
"updated_date": "2014-09-28 00:00:01",
"description": "",
"issued_date": "2014-09-24 00:00:01",
"fromstr": "",
"status": "",
"title": "",
"summary": "",
"version": "",
"type": "",
"severity": "",
"solution": "",
"release": "",
"rights": "",
"pushcount": "",
"pkglist": [],
"references": [],
"reboot_suggested": false
The previous example doesn't relate the Advisory with a Repository. To do so, see Add Content to Repository.
Other Contents¶
Rpm Content types that support individual submission are:
. If CLI supports it, you can use the commands below to check the necessary parameters.
pulp rpm content -t CONTENT_TYPE upload --help
pulp rpm content -t CONTENT_TYPE create --help
may not support all of these yet, but they are available in the REST API
(e.g, modulemd_defaults POST).
You may consider opening a ticket in pulp-cli requesting support.
Delete Content¶
Deleting Content is not part of the user-facing API as a CRUD operation. There are several architectural reasons for that, one of which is that multiple Repository Versions may rely on the same Content unit, and forcing a deletion may lead to a broken state.
If you want to remove Content, consider using the Modify API to remove the content from a Repository, and not from Pulp itself. The latter should be handled by Admins, who should configure Pulp to handle cleanups safely.