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Pulp Community Update (September 2020)

This month was extra eventful for Pulp, with the first ever virtual PulpCon, the release of Pulp 3.7, the first set of Pulpcore SELinux policies, the first GA release of the Pulp 3 Debian plugin, and a call for feedback on the Pulp 3 CLI PoC.

If you have any questions or updates you would like to share, we would be delighted to hear from you at

Pulp winter roadmap update

This month, we published an outline about where the core Pulp developers are focusing their attention over the next few months. You can take a look at the Pulp Roadmap here.

Pulp needs your help! A Pulp 3 CLI PoC is here!

The lack of a Pulp 3 CLI has been a pain point for Pulp 3 users and a potential blocker for Pulp 2 users looking to migrate to Pulp 3. At PulpCon, we had a discussion and demo of the first Pulp 3 CLI PoC. We want to gather as much feedback as possible to make the Pulp 3 CLI a robust and useful addition to using Pulp 3. Please download and evaluate, and let us know your thoughts!

First release of the Pulp 3 Debian plugin

After a long beta phase, the first Pulp 3 Debian plugin went GA! You can read all about it here, and if you don't like reading, you can listen to Quirin Pamp talk about it at PulpCon:

Pulp 3.7 has been released!

Over the past month, z-streams Pulp 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3, and 3.6.4 were released.

Pulp 3.7 was released, with a number of enhancements to the export workflow, as well as improvements to installing optional dependencies, and much more. For more information, see Pulp 3.7 release announcement. There was a later z-stream release of 3.7.1.

As part of the Pulp 3.7 release, there were a number of plugin-compatibility releases:

PulpCon 2020

For the Pulp community's first online PulpCon, the diversity of speakers and topics was matched only by the diversity of head accessories on display. Who knew that the Pulp community possessed so many hats, wigs, and helmets! A brave person might ask why and how? If you are wondering how you can justify the purchase of something outlandish to wear on your head over the next year, tell yourself that you're just getting ready for PulpCon 2021!

The virtual format allowed greater participation from the wider Pulp community, who popped in and out of the sessions and were active in their contributions. Over the next year, we are looking for ways to build a more open and accessible structure into our regular meetings. If you have any ideas or suggestions for this or questions about any of the sessions, please write to us at Thank you to everyone who presented, attended, and contributed to the discussions!

All of the PulpCon sessions are available on YouTube. The full agenda and meeting notes are still online for your perusal.

The first release of Pulpcore SELinux

Last but not least, the first release of set of SELinux policies for Pulp 3 dropped this month. Check out the release announcement for more information!